Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nathan and Daddy at Troy

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We got great seats sitting in the 6th row on the 40 yard line.


When the sun came out it was hot, but when it went back in it got cold. Nathan had fun watching the football players for a while, but then he decided there were more fun things to do. Like watch Fraggle Rock on my iPod and play with his Trains and cars.




Of course we had to have some popcorn, the boy is a popcorn fiend. Nathan actually walked up to the concession stand with Tanner (the guy who got us the tickets).

We had hotdogs earlier (I know you don’t get many pictures from us without a hotdog photo of Nathan, but I forgot sorry) and when we were walking back I looked down and Nathan wasn’t beside me. I checked the other side and he wasn’t there either. I turned a full 360 degrees and I had a small moment of panic before he popped out from behind a couple of ladies who were standing there.


On the road home Nathan wanted to stop at a restaurant so we ate at a place in Clayton. Nathan of course had shrimps.

1 comment:

KY Nana said...

popcorn,hotdogs and shrimp
they are 3 of Nana's favorite foods.I watch some of the football game and decided it wasn't at Auburn and you wouldn't be there and turned the channel