Thursday, October 22, 2009

But Why?

Meredith and I have really been struggling with Nathan and bed time. The boy doesn’t want to potty all day, but somehow has to pee 1000 times once the lights go out. We want to encourage him to use the potty, but at the same time we are just being played and we know it.

A couple of nights ago after a 30 minute battle where we had threatened, punished, and threatened again, Nathan was in the bathroom sitting on the potty doing everything but trying to poop. It was Meredith’s “turn” (we take turns because if we didn’t one of us would kill him) so I was sitting by my computer. I hear Meredith say in a very firm voice (which I have to admit makes me laugh a bit anyway) for what I know was the 30th time, “It is time for you to go to bed.”

Nathan, very innocently and matter of factly said, “But why?” I think it was the first time I had ever heard him use that phrase, and the way that he said it all normal and conversational after all that we had gone through just made me laugh, like out loud belly laugh sort of laugh.

I do think he eventually made it to bed, but not until Meredith and I were both in tears.


Ky Nana said...

Well,I remember another little boy who never wanted to go to bed,but I don't think he started at 3 Ha

Mim said...

I'll have to admit I was laughing out loud while I read your post. Oh the joys of parenting. Now you know why it's so much more fun to be a GRANDPARENT. And just as you get all these wrinkles ironed out, the kids will be teenagers ... and I seem to remember LOTS of sleepless nights during those years. Have fun ... and I'll just keep chuckling.