Monday, August 31, 2009

Belated Birthday Fun

For Shane's birthday Nathan picked him out some little wooden cars for them to paint together. Shane picked up a few more at Walmart along with the paint and Saturday morning they had a painting party. This is the first time we let Nathan paint here at our house and the little bit of mess was definitely worth it.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Super Heroes

Friday night Shane and Nathan went to Walmart on a quest for some material to make superhero costumes. I was a little doubtful but within minutes of being home Shane had costumes made for both of them and Nathan loved it! He ran up and down the hall and flew all over the house being Super Nathan.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Nathan Sings to Noah

Be sure to notice the "smile" on Noah's face as Nathan sings. It is fun to watch Noah become more and more aware of his surroundings. He has started to really take to his brother and even stopped crying once or twice when Nathan would sing to him.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Picnic in the Park

The weather was nice at the first of the week so we decided to have a picnic in the park, let Nathan play on the playground and Shane throw his new frisbees for a little while. All went well except for the picnic part. After we just started digging into our food we were suddenly swarmed by yellow jackets. We had to surrender our food and move on to the playing part. Nathan was evidently pretty hungry. As happy as he was to move on to the swings, when he got there he said, "Mommy can you bring my food over here. I want to eat over here." Fortunately Shane was able to rescue his chips and drink. Even though we all went home a little hungry we did enjoy the nice weather and playing outside.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Transformations at the Columbus Museum

Meredith had a great idea for our Saturday. We went to check out the Columbus Museum where we heard there was a children’s section. There was a great section called “Transformations.” Nathan had a blast.

You weren’t supposed to take flash photos inside of the museum and we sort of followed that rule for the most part, but we just couldn’t help it when it came to this guy here. There were 3 drawers of dress up clothes and a stage. Some very smart person had built the stage with mirrors on either side and a huge mirror behind the head of the “audience” (three theater like chairs).

Nathan put this hat on and began to quote Max and Ruby (Ladies and Gentlemen the amazing Louise and her assistant Ruby…). It was too cute. The funny thing is that latter he made me get up there and do it with him and while he is quoting it some grandparents walk by and they knew what show it was from.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fun with Nathan

Ladies (and Noah) Night Out

Noah got to go to his first Ladies Night Out with me last night. We gathered together at the church for a delicious dinner of pizza, pasta and dessert. Ladies Night Out is always one of my favorite nights of the month. It is always a blessed time of fellowship and sharing together. At home evenings and bedtimes are still a little rough with both boys by yourself. Sometimes Noah is calm while you're getting Nathan ready for bed and sometimes he's a screamer demanding attention. I knew there would be plenty of arms willing to hold our little newborn for a few minutes so I took Noah with me. I think Nathan went with me twice to Ladies Night Out when he was a baby. My boys should feel special with all the attention they get from the ladies. :) Truly, when those at our church love on my boys it makes me feel even more loved. Penny happened to bring her camera so we got a picture of her and Noah.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Time Out

It is no secret that I (Shane) like to get out of Eufaula. For the past 3 years Nathan and I would make a run to Dothan or Columbus at least every other week. Today was my first trip with both of my boys.

We ended up in Opelika because I wanted to go to Academy sports and because the train table at the Book-A-Million in Tiger Town has chairs right beside it perfect for Noah feeding.

The day went very well. This picture doesn’t quite do it justice because I think this was about the only time Noah was crying; for most of the trip he just slept.

Nathan and I had fun in Academy. There was a bottom shelf rack of those rocket balls I think they are called that will bounce like 75ft. Nathan thought it was fun to throw them at Daddy and see how many I could hold. We played that game for quite some time (all while Noah slept) and later Nathan even pee peed in the urinal.

Speaking of Nathan peeing. On the way home we are cruising along in the van and Nathan says he has to go potty. So I find a place to pull over, but when I get out there is knee high grass and no real shoulder stand on. So I pull down Nathan’s pants and let him stand in the van and pee out the door. He couldn’t stop giggling. It was a very great father/son type moment.


Random Noah Stuff

Here are a couple of extra pictures of Noah.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Brotherly Love

Nathan let Noah curl up on him and keep sleeping ... so Daddy could go pop some popcorn for a snack!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

More of Noah - 6 weeks old

Today Noah and I were playing again and I couldn't resist snapping a few more pictures.

Noah Starts to Play

We put Noah out on his little play mat Sunday night for the first time and he really seemed to like it. If only we could tell what he's thinking!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nathan's First Day of School

Monday morning was Nathan's first day of 3 year old preschool at Parkview. He had the best time and didn't cry for Mommy in the least. He went right in telling Mrs. Donna all about his new Mario shirt he had on. I love the fact that I work at Parkview too. I think it made leaving him a little easier for me knowing he was right downstairs. And I get to peek out on the playground around 10:30 and see him playing each day.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Children's Choir

They have recently formed a children's choir at our church and Nathan is absolutely loving it. He gets to sing and dance and praise the Lord! I am so thankful Ms. Merri is willing to spend her time on Sunday evenings leading these little ones. Sunday night I had nursery so I snuck over to choir and took some pictures.This Little Light of Mine
Marching in the Lord's Army

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Noah's First Day at Church

My three handsome guys ready for Noah's first day at church. And Noah didn't hear it but his daddy was preaching on his first day at church because Bro. Craig was out of town. I have to say it was wonderful to be in the house of the Lord again. I've enjoyed being home with my sweet newborn Noah and having Sunday mornings just the two of us. But it was a blessing to worship with my church family again today, like a huge breath of fresh air. And then as an added bonus I got to hear my husband preach a great sermon! Praise the Lord!

Attack of the Stickers III

Nathan has a thing about stickers. He got a strip of different color stickers at Winn Dixie the other day and again before we got home he had them from head to belly. This picture is yesterday after the party - Nathan was checking out all the goodies in his party bag and came out to show us his stickers.

Ian's Birthday Party

One of Nathan's best friends Ian who lives next door had a pretty cool race car birthday party yesterday. Ian is now 6 and all the little boys at the party were either 5 or 6 but that didn't stop Nathan from racing with the best of them. They played lots of fun games and then had Lightning McQueen birthday cake.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Going with the Flow

After a day of not feeling too great with stomach troubles and a night of Shane being at church late I was feeling pretty rough this morning. As was Noah for some reason. So I decided I'd bathe and feed Noah and get Nathan dressed and then we'd all get in the car and go run our normal Thursday morning errands (Church, Bank, Grocery Store). Hoping the car seat would calm Noah down while I got some things done and got Nathan out of the house for a bit. I got to the point of getting Nathan dressed and put Noah in his swing while I did and this is what I got...

So, Nathan and I actually wound up having a few hours of one on one play time. He wanted to play "going to school". I can't believe my first baby is 3 and starts 3 year old preschool next week.

One Month Old

Sunday Noah turned one month old and we went yesterday for his one month check up. He weighs 9 lbs 10 oz and is 23 inches long. His little face is filling out. He is opening those big eyes up and his face is becoming so much more expressive. He loves to take a bath and is now sleeping in his crib in his room. Dr. Glaze told us the bumps on his face are caused by his cradle cap so hopefully after a few days of Selsun Blue the cradle cap and the acne will be cleared up.

Crew Chiefs

Crew Chief 1
Crew Chief 2Brothers Together

This is Shane. Noah ended up being crew chief because I was holding him and Nathan came over and was looking at him. The headphones fell off of Nathan and right smack onto Noah’s ears. It was hilarious. Meredith and I both wanted to tell Nathan to be careful around Noah, but we couldn’t stop laughing enough to do it. Of course we had to pose the picture, but Noah cooperated enough to save the memory. 

Landmark Park

Landmark Park in Dothan.

I had to pick up some darts for our youth dart wars on Wednesday night. So I brought Nathan along. I also wanted to check out Dick’s Sporting Goods for my latest addiction (Disc Golf may turn out to be one of my cheapest obsessions if you don’t count gas). Nathan got to tag along. We left at nap time and I was hoping he would sleep on the way there. He didn’t, but he was very cute when I told him to close his eyes and he squeezed them real tight.

I don’t remember why I took the first picture of him in the car seat. It is a big smile, but I can’t remember what prompted me to pick up the camera. The park pictures are at Landmark Park. It is a working farm in Dothan. It was hot (Africa Hot, Tarzan couldn’t take that kind of hot) so Nathan and I didn’t play long. But we did play long enough to get a few pictures.

About 15 minutes from home he and I are talking and suddenly he is quiet. I turn around and he is fast asleep in his seat.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Shane

We celebrated Shane's 35th birthday while we were in Kentucky. We ate dinner at one of his favorite places Pagliai's Pizza. The pizza is always good at Pagliai's, like nothing we have in Alabama. Not only was the food delicious they built a new playroom for kids which made our whole dinner out even more fun. Then we went back to Nana's house and had birthday cake! There were three little boys very excited about singing "Happy Birthday to Uncle Shane/Daddy" and having some cake!