Monday, July 13, 2009

Pace Yourself

I wanted to set these posts so that you get a new one every day, but in the end I couldn’t figure it out so you get 3 new posts in one day. But history says that when I do this sort of thing you don’t leave us a comment and that just hurts our feelings. Seriously, Meredith and I talk about comments on this blog like they were letters from the president. There were all sorts of people telling us they saw pictures of Noah on his birthday who didn’t comment. We were like “why didn’t you tell us our baby was pretty.” Yes, I know we need help.

Anyway, these are some random Noah pictures. I just like to see him in lots of different poses. His face makes me smile.

101_6956 101_6960 101_6963 107_1757  101_6940 101_6941 101_6950


Sumer said...

He is beautiful! He look so much like Nathan to me in some pictures, and then not at all in others.

Cant wait to see them both (and the two of you) again soon!!

KY Nana said...

The last post on Nathan holding the baby was me. Forgot to sign my name(old age). I can not believe how much he has changed in just a few days. Does he miss his Nana cuddling him? I saw a picture of Silas when he was a baby and I thought I saw a hint of Noah

Brooke said...

I am so excited for you guys!!! He is so handsome! Congratulations! I will be excited to follow little Noah as he grows!

Penny said...

He is growing so fast. I gotta come back and hold him. Can i come and hold him without bringing food? Or when do i get to babysit?