Thursday, July 16, 2009

Meredith Update

Meredith went back to the Dr. today. They did blood work and didn’t really find anything new, but because of the fever they know think she may have had some sort of virus.

So she is currently taking Prednisone and some allergy thing called Xyzan(something). Hopefully this stuff is going to take care of the itching and the rash. Unfortunately this means that she won’t be able to nurse for the next week. Noah is doing fine with formula though so it looks like he will be fine for the next few days.


I think that this is what she told me, I have been spending the day with both boys so my brain is a little tired. Meredith will get on and correct me if I am wrong.

1 comment:

KY Nana said...

Praying Meredith will feel better soon