Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I am one of those Dads

Nathan started swimming lessons yesterday. Meredith took him and took these pictures. I went with him today and I have to say that it was a blast. I was so proud of him. He sat on the side like he was supposed to and waited his turn. When he was swimming he went for it with gusto and wasn’t afraid to put his face in the water or kick or even float on his back.

The best part was his face when his turn was finished. He would turn and look at me and just beam. I can see now how dads get all wrapped up in their kid’s sports stuff. I can easily see myself doing that (and I will share a video story with you soon of another such story)

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KY Nana said...

What a kid!!!
He loves to learn everything he can

Sumer said...

How fun! It is scary how quickly you can slip into that role! ;)

Penny said...

I knew Nathan would do great, he loves to swim tell him i am so proud of him and cant wait for him to show me how he can swim.