Saturday, May 2, 2009

Two Wonderful Weekends Away - Weekend Two

I was blessed to go to our annual ladies beach retreat with the church last weekend. It was a blessed time of fellowship, friendship, great food and fun but most of all a time of being in the Word with women. Frances, one of our friends from Auburn came and led our Bible study again and challenged us greatly. I didn't take the camera so I don't have any pictures of me in my maternity bikini or me on the jet ski in the ocean yet. As soon as I get copies I will try to post them. While I was away Shane and Nathan had lots of fun running around together. On Friday they went to Dothan to play putt putt and games at Kids Kastle. Then on Saturday they went to the Wild Animal Safari where you drive through and the animals come up to your car looking for food. According to Nathan it was exciting seeing the Water Buffalo but a little scary because the Giraffe stuck his head in the window and squirted (slobbered on) him. I enjoyed being away but I do hate I missed this adventure.

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