Sunday, May 31, 2009

Noah's Second Shower

Today our church gave us a baby shower for Noah. Kathy, a sweet lady I teach youth girls Sunday school with and the girls in the youth group hosted the shower, decorating and preparing lots of yummy food. The Lord continues to bless us beyond measure with love and gifts from our church family. It is amazing to hold those tiny little diapers and clothes and think they will soon be wrapped around another little human. Another baby boy God has blessed us with. God is good...all the time. All the time...God is good.

Hot Dogs for Breakfast?

Nathan has four favorite foods:
Hot Dogs
and the recently added Scooby Snacks.

Thursday morning he opened the refrigerator and saw the hot dogs lying there on the shelf and asked for hot dogs for breakfast. I then spent the next few minutes trying to convince him to have waffles with bacon. Without any success I realized there's not a whole lot of difference in hot dogs and bacon, so why not? I hope it doesn't turn into a regular request though.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Day at the Lake

We are blessed with many friends from our church. The young adult SS class spent the day on the lake and invited us to come along. It was nice and cool in the shade by the water and Nathan loved riding on the jet ski and playing in the water with all the kids. Amy was nice enough to ride both pregnant me and Nathan at the same time so Nathan wouldn't be scared. She let him sit in front and steer and he loved it!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Outing

After many days in the house Shane and I decided to take Nathan back to Albany to the Flint Riverquarium and hopefully find some sunshine and play at the park there too. Nathan was excited from the minute we told him where we were going. It is so much fun to see him run from one exhibit to the next saying "Daddy look!" and "Mommy come see!" This time the only thing he didn't like was the catfish food. We wound up giving it away because he said it was "Stinky!" and didn't want to touch it. We were also blessed with bouts of sunshine and Nathan enjoyed the playground and the water fountain area. It was nice to be able to enjoy the outdoors again today.

Lincoln Log Cabins

One of the senior adults at Parkview came in to the office with a surprise for Nathan a while back. Mr. Jay gave me this can of lincoln logs from years ago that he found in his house. He said his children and grandchildren had outgrown them and he wanted someone to have them who could use them. On the bottom of the can is a price tag that says "Woolworth $1.00"
So during our rainy day weekend I pulled them out to show them to Nathan and we have had lots of fun playing with them. Part of his fun is also being the big bad wolf and blowing the house down but it amazes me that he is three and into building houses now not just stacking the blocks together.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Bit of Sunshine

This week we had a brief bit of sunshine so Nathan and I went out to play for a little while. We enjoyed a few holes of golf and some horseshoes. According to Nathan the way you play horseshoes is spend a while hammering the poles in the ground with the horseshoe. Works for me :)

Noah's First Shower

The Keenagers were sweet enough to shower baby Noah with gifts as well as Nathan on his birthday. Nathan really got into the opening presents part even if it was gifts for Noah. We are very blessed to have such a special group of senior adults who love us and care for us as their own.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Seriously, does it get any better?

This is just about my idea of the perfect way to end a day. Reading Dr. Seuss while Nathan curls up on my chest. I don't deserve such moments, but I am grateful for them everyday.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Nathan's 3rd Birthday

Tuesday was a big day for our family as Nathan had his 3rd birthday. It's hard to believe our baby is now 3 years old and we are now preparing for another little baby in our home. Nathan is such a delight. He brings so much love and joy to Shane and I each and every day. We are very blessed. Here are some pictures from his special day. They posted in backwards order.

Last but not least a new crane for the train table.
Pizza is his favorite so we had Cici's Pizza for supper after my checkup at the doctor's office.
We had lunch with the Keenagers today and he received treats and birthday presents there too!

Morning birthday surprises!

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Happy Mother's Day

Saturday after the birthday party we got to spend time with my mom and tell her Happy Mother's Day.

Then Sunday morning before church Nathan and Shane gave me some Mother's Day gifts they had picked out together, pajamas and a new journal. We were all pretty tired from the excitement of the weekend so after church we came home and all took a good long nap. Then we went out for a bite to eat and went to the park to play. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed the time together, just the three of us. Us and the geese. There was a whole family waddling in and out of the lake around us.

Nathan loves to play in the water so we took a change of clothes for him and let him wade down in the water and splash around. I feel very blessed to be a mother and have the wonderful husband I do, my sweet little Nathan and another child to be born soon. God is so good and I am very thankful.

Birthday Party at the Park

Nathan was blessed to have friends and family young and younger come to his birthday party. Everytime someone new came he would squeal with delight. We had a Cars party with a Lightning McQueen cake. From the time we got to the park Nathan asked to eat cake and open presents. He was almost overwhelmed with all his family visiting and a birthday party in the same day. He went to bed Saturday night a very tired but very happy almost three year old.

Fun with Family

Friday night Nathan received a big surprise as Aunt Sumer, Caleb, Silas and Nana came to play and spend the night. He was so excited they were here and his birthday party was the next day he could hardly sleep. When I was putting him to bed and told him they were going to stay at our house that night and we could play some more the next day Nathan said "How about two nights?" He loves being with his cousins.

Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday to Nana!

Sweet Sneaky Silas!
Hugs and smiles with Aunt Sumer

Silas fell in love with the big red car and somehow convinced everyone of us to push him around the house at least once.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Picnic in the Park

This afternoon we had our annual churchwide picnic at Lakepoint State Park. About the time we were to start a big downpour came so everyone had to huddle under the pavilion. We had a sweet time of praise and worship with three of our youth playing acoustic guitar. We also included "Jesus Loves Me" for the little ones to be able to sing along and Nathan loved singing with his daddy and the big boys. After we sang the rain had stopped and it was nice and cool for everyone to walk around and play. I asked Nathan what his favorite part was on the way home and he said playing hide and seek. Some of our friends John and Nina and Andrea hosted a great game of hide and seek with Nathan and Abby and Kyndall. We are very blessed to have such a loving church family and friends. Spending time together at the picnic is one of my favorite days of the year.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Splashing in the Sunshine

It was finally warm enough this week to break out the swimming pool. We got this one on clearance for $3 last year. I'm pretty sure we will get our money's worth out of it this summer. Nathan is loving having a pool where he can "swim" from one end to the other.

My Friend Pooh

While I was gone Shane happened to catch Nathan curling up with Pooh on a blanket while he was watching a show. Later Shane asked Nathan if he wanted Pooh to take a nap with him and Nathan said yes. So Pooh has become Nathan's snuggle buddy in bed. Sometimes he will lay with his arm draped over him or sometimes hold his hand like in this picture but every night this week he has slept with Pooh in his bed.

Two Wonderful Weekends Away - Weekend Two

I was blessed to go to our annual ladies beach retreat with the church last weekend. It was a blessed time of fellowship, friendship, great food and fun but most of all a time of being in the Word with women. Frances, one of our friends from Auburn came and led our Bible study again and challenged us greatly. I didn't take the camera so I don't have any pictures of me in my maternity bikini or me on the jet ski in the ocean yet. As soon as I get copies I will try to post them. While I was away Shane and Nathan had lots of fun running around together. On Friday they went to Dothan to play putt putt and games at Kids Kastle. Then on Saturday they went to the Wild Animal Safari where you drive through and the animals come up to your car looking for food. According to Nathan it was exciting seeing the Water Buffalo but a little scary because the Giraffe stuck his head in the window and squirted (slobbered on) him. I enjoyed being away but I do hate I missed this adventure.