Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mommy and Me Lunch Date

Friday for lunch Nathan wanted to go to Burger King for chicken and french fries so I took him on a lunch date. The grandmother behind us couldn't get her two girls to sit and eat because they wanted to play, play, play. I was so proud. My boy sat and ate every bit of his lunch before getting up to play. He was hungry! He's been going through a growth spurt this week and two days he ate a full lunch at Mrs. Lindsey's and then as Shane and I were eating lunch he wanted to eat again. At night an hour after supper he would want to eat again and did! I feel so blessed to have the freedom to spend as much time as I do with Nathan and do things like take him to lunch and play in the park. God's gifts are exceedingly abundant and more than we can ask or imagine.
The true way for a King to sport his crown.
Rocking out on the "tennis racquet guitar" in the van.


Sumer said...

Am I just so behind or did you post alot all at once? There were like five posts that I had not was very exciting! They all made me so excited to see you all very soon!

Anonymous said...

You guys have been busy. I just read 3 this morning and now there are 3 more. I love it.

Shane said...

I took Nathan to the train store so Meredith took some time to get caught up. But we did have a very busy week. It was beautiful outside so we spent a lot of time out and about.