Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Preacher's Kid

...or shall I say this Preacher's Wife was not doing the best job of keeping an eye on her kid at the covered dish luncheon today. I went and got Nathan from the nursery and was in line fixing our plates while Shane finished speaking to people after the service and made his way downstairs. Nathan would be with me one second then bounce away and bounce back again talking to different people. I saw Shane come in and Nathan run in that direction so I thought things were cool. Towards the end of the food line Diann comes over to me with white icing on her fingers to tell me that my son hands and mouth were covered in that white icing. He evidently went diving into someone's multilayer homemade coconut cream cake. The ladies all got a kick out of it so it wasn't the worst thing in the world but of course Nathan was either allergic to the cream or the coconut and broke out in hives. And of course we were out of the benadryl strips I keep in his diaper bag. Fortunately the reaction was mild and we made it home to get some benadryl and he is now sleeping soundly. Lesson learned. Actually two!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least he knows good cake when he sees it.