Monday, March 9, 2009

Dragon Hunters

Saturday was a fun day for the Yanceys. Meredith will tell you some more later, but in the morning Nathan and I went on a dragon hunt.

Meredith needed some time to clean the house and it was a perfect morning (not to hot, but bright and sunny, you know the kind of day that all of the colors look better) so Nathan and I decide to head to the new walking track and see the "waterfall". To call this place a waterfall is similar to calling your shower a waterfall, but it is a good size for Nathan.

I thought it would be fun to pretend like we were hunting dragons so before we left the house we started the game. Unfortunately Nathan had lost his magnifying glass his swords are in bad shape so we needed new equipment if we were going to survive. I begged a 5 dollar bill from Meredith and we went to the Dollar Tree to get resuplied.

We ended up with a sword, two nets, and a new maginfying glass and headed out to kill the dragon. Nathan was adorable as he used his net to capture all sorts of imaginary creatures. In the end the first time we walked down to the waterfall we killed the dragon and then after we walked all the way back up to the top Nathan wanted to go down and catch the dragon.

So we are walking back to the van with this imaginary dragon in Nathan's net. Nathan is riding on my shoulders and so I ask him what he wants to name the dragon and he says, "Yoda." So Yoda the dragon keeps getting free and Nathan would reach up real high to catch him again so that he could show Mommy.

When we got to the house Nathan said, "Look Mommy it's Yoda the dragon." It was too cute. After we let the dragon go (because dragons are too big to keep in the house) Meredith took our picture. (Don't you just love the blue hair btw)


Sumer said...

That sounds like a ton of fun...your storytelling is a special gift for that little guy.
And I love that years from now, that blue hair will be memorialized in the scrapbook

Anonymous said...

Dragons and blue hair.What stories to tell your grandchildren. Who knows by then maybe everyone will have blue hair

Shane said...

The truth is, Meredith is the good pretend player. She tells stories and makes voices for his toys. I am just trying my best to keep up.