Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Nathan's Parkview Christmas Party

Fantasy in Lights

Last week Nathan and I went with Allison, Abby and Kyndal to see Callaway Garden's Fantasy in Lights. The weather was crazy - cold and pouring cats and dogs before we got there but once we got in line to ride it stopped. We were able to see all the lights without any problem. The kids loved it. I'm not sure how many times I heard "Oh my goodness!" I wish we lived closer to be able to ride through every year and actually enjoy all of Callaway Gardens. On the way home we stopped at Chick-Fil-A for some yummy chicken and fun playground time.

Snuggling Buddies

Nathan loves to snuggle up with Noah anytime he sees Noah lying in our bed. Right now Noah adores his big brother and loves it when Nathan climbs in to play with him. And I can't help but grab the camera and start snapping pictures of them.

Nathan's Thanksgiving Feast

Nathan got to be a part of a Thanksgiving Feast at school. They were lots of yummy fruits and treats and even a little turkey. I felt like a real mom having to make turkey sandwiches for my little boy to take to his school party.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This year we visited both families at Thanksgiving but forgot to take the camera with me to my Grandmama's house on Thanksgiving Day so no pictures of my side of the family yet. I hope to copy some soon. The day after Thanksgiving we traveled to the Yates in Thompsons Station. That morning Nathan was sad because we were leaving my parents so I told him we were going to Chick-Fil-A to get a biscuit and then go to Caleb's house. He still looked at me with this sad face and said "No Mommy. I don't want to." I thought my goodness, that always makes him happy. He said "No, I don't want to go to Chick-Fil-A. I just want to go to Caleb's house." He is all about getting straight to his cousins. None of this stopping in between business. But we did make it in just a few hours and we had a wonderful weekend. Caleb, Silas and Canaan were fascinated with Noah and Noah was fascinated with them. Silas was especially cute wanting to give him kisses. Saturday we all went to a huge family fun center that has a "mini-bowling" alley just for kids. Nathan was fascinated with it as well as the huge arcade area right next to it.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bowling and More Bowling

Because of the wii, Nathan has a new passion for bowling. He loves to play wii bowling with his daddy, play bowling with his toy set in the hall and one day we even tried a little bowling at the local bowling alley. The bowling alley was still a bit much for him because even the "kids" ball was too heavy for him. But he still loved it and loved playing air hockey in the game room area. In this last picture Nathan is doing a little victory dance about his new record in a game where he beat his daddy.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Mommy’s Lonely

Last night I (Shane) went in to check on Nathan in his bed because he was crying. Here’s how the conversation went:

Shane: What’s wrong?

Nathan: I’m sad

Shane: Why are you sad?

Nathan: Cause Mommy is lonely

Shane: What?

Nathan: Mommy is all alone in her bed and she needs a little boy to sleep with her and I want to be that little boy

Shane: (trying not to laugh) Mommy will be fine, you sleep in your bed and Daddy will sleep in the bed with Mommy.

Nathan: (through sniffles) OK

Yes, that was our conversation. The little guy trips me out.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Columbus Museum


Today I (Shane) just got in the mood to hang out with Nathan. Now that Noah is around there isn’t much time for just the two of us to go run around together like we used to.

So my beautiful wife stayed home with the baby while Nathan and I went and had an adventure in Columbus. We went to the museum and played in the kids section for a while. (It doesn’t officially allow pictures so I took video most places so that they wouldn’t see the flash) It was a blast just to be able to play with him and have all of my attention on him. I think he enjoyed it too.

Then we came home and the house was cleaned from top to bottom. Seriously my wife is too cool for school. Check out the pictures and captions below.


Getting ready to pull out of the driveway. I just thought he looked cute sitting there drinking his milk.


He was supposed to nap in the van on the way there. It took him almost the whole trip to fall asleep. Finally I told him that he had to close his eyes and he said, “Can I keep my mouth open?” I guess Uncle Corey’s bedtime routine has rubbed off on him. He finally fell asleep and then didn’t want to wake up when we got to the museum.



In the adult part of the museum there is a series of displays that show different types of houses and buildings (When Nathan saw the prehistoric people and their little hut he said, “that’s Baby Jesus’ house”) These two pictures are from the one room school house. Nathan is telling me that is where the teacher lives as he points to the front of the class.




Because of all the rain the Chattahoochee river is very high and running extremely fast. Here Nathan and I are standing on the rocks by the river walk. Nathan liked the water fall, but didn’t like that it was so loud. Loud noises tend to scare him a bit



We finished off our evening at Cheddars. He waited patiently for a table mainly because I let him play games on my iPod (I think the boy needs his own for Christmas) and then he ate a plate full of shrimp. (He was still eating when I took this picture)

All in all it was a fun little day; I am very thankful to get a chance to hang out with such a cool little dude.