Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A stomach virus...

...has attacked the Yancey household. Nathan apparently had it Sunday (even though he just threw up once). I had it yesterday, and Meredith has the worst of it and is still sick with it. So there may not be new blog updates for a couple of days.

This is one of those things that they don't tell you about in the "so you want to have kids" brochure. In 8 years of marriage I threw up maybe once. I have been sick to my stomach at least 3 times in the few years that Nathan has been around. Kids are great, but they also are little carriers for all sorts of germs. They should let you know that upfront.


Anonymous said...

Hope Meredith feels better soon. Sorry you guys have been sick.
I miss seeing and reading what is going on in your lives

Shane said...

Update: Nathan woke up throwing up in his bed last night. So apparently he has some issues again.

Anonymous said...

The bug is going around.Jason had it and thought he was dying.Cece thought she was going to have to call 911.
Hope everyone is better soon