Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas in Pell City

We had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas in Pell City this year. Nathan could hardly stop for a few minutes to visit with Grandmama Murphy on the way because he was so excited to be going to see FeFe, One, Amanda and Jonathan. Christmas Eve Nathan attached himself to Jonathan's side and didn't want to be separated. Since Jonathan was willing to get close enough to Santa for a picture Nathan decided he would to. That and the promise of a Santa cookie. And Nathan knows that Jennifer comes with Jonathan now too. She was sweet enough to read his new book to him since he couldn't go to sleep on Christmas Eve. Christmas morning was lots of fun again as Nathan found gifts in his stocking that Santa brought. He was very into presents this year. He wanted to open his and everyone else's too. I think the act of opening a present was just as exciting as the toy inside. We had a wonderful time with all our family, Aunts and Uncles and Cousins and a wonderful Christmas dinner with Grandmother too.

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