Monday, December 22, 2008

Our Christmas

This year Nathan really began to enjoy Christmas with the excitement of decorating the tree and seeing all the Christmas lights. And he is beginning to understand it's Jesus' birthday we are celebrating and likes singing Happy Birthday Jesus. He amazed me as he stood up in a chair and sang "Away in a Manger" for our Senior Adults at church all by himself. But one of my favorite memories this year is the night before "Our Christmas" at home. We all got in late around 9:00 and we were all exhausted so Shane and I decided to let Nathan curl up in the bed with us until he went to sleep. After all "It is Christmas!" So we all put on our jammies and snuggled up in bed. The lights were out and all was quiet. As I was drifting off to sleep I felt Nathan's pull on my shoulder as he leaned up and whispered in my ear "Merry Christmas Mommy." One of those memories I hope stays etched in my mind forever. - Meredith

This was the best morning for all of us to do the present thing so Nathan had Christmas early. Meredith will write more later I am sure, but I wanted to give you pictures of our family Christmas. Also Nathan and I went to the Auburn Basketball game tonight. He made it all of about 10 minutes, but he had a great time in those few minutes. It felt like a real father/son type thing. - Shane


Anonymous said...

Love your armour(sp?)Shane

Shane said...

I'm a "fat man in a little coat"

Sumer said...

I love all the pictures of you all in the gear, and Shane, that comment was hilarious!