Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Play Ball

The weather has been a little cooler this week so we've been able to enjoy the outdoors a little more. Nathan found Shane's softball glove in the garage and "baseball" became his love for the day. All afternoon I heard "Play baseball, play baseball Mommy!" After his nap I tried to distract him with the water and see if he would help me wash the van. Normally he loves playing with the water hose but no, the whole time I was washing the van, he walked around in the front yard carrying that glove and ball saying "Play baseball Mommy, play baseball."

1 comment:

Shane said...

No one wants to comment on the fact that we are playing baseball and Nathan is holding a tennis racket? I don't know why he wants to use the racket sometimes instead of the bat, but it is much easier for me to hit his wild throws when he wants me to use the racket to hit them.