Thursday, September 4, 2008

Am I the Sucker Here?

Yesterday, as we pulled up to the bank Nathan was suddenly excited about going in to the bank. I needed to talk to a friend working there for a few minutes so I went prepared with Teddy Grahams and milk in hand. But as I was making my deposit at the counter he couldn't help but see the basket of suckers. What do you do when you're trying to finish your conversation and get out of there? I let him have a sucker. A purple one. We opened the sucker in the bank. When we got home he was still eating the sucker. We sat at the kitchen table for several minutes while he finished his sucker. And then we needed a bath!

I usually try to avoid giving Nathan sugary treats like suckers unless it's a special occasion but somehow he wound up with two of them in two days. Today before lunch he found a Tootsie Roll Pop in a drawer in the kitchen. I told him he couldn't have it till after lunch. Well, he at a few bites of lunch but not much. A few minutes later he makes his way back around to that drawer and tries to get the sucker out. I told him he hadn't eat enough lunch. He had to eat two more bites of sandwich first. Those little legs ran around the table and he shoved two whole bites of sandwich in his mouth before I could even blink. If only I could bribe him with a sucker for everything!

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