Thursday, April 15, 2010

So proud

Nathan went to VBS this week at the local Presbyterian church. They do a spring break VBS and he got a card about it at school. Since I needed to work Meredith figured it was a great thing for him to do.

I was a little hesitant. Mainly because for me, that sounds like a pretty scary thing. In fact I didn’t even want to take Nathan over there because I didn’t want to have to search around and find where the kids were and do all of the stuff to get him registered.

But Nathan…Nathan just went. It helped that some people he knew were there, but his mommy and daddy weren’t there and yet he went. He went and played and learned and had a pretty grand time. That is something that I know I wouldn’t have done at his age, and let’s be honest, I probably wouldn’t do now unless I felt like I had to. But Nathan has confidence beyond anything I could possibly explain. I have to admit I am a pretty proud dad.


Ky Nana said...

Nana is pretty proud too

Shane said...

Okay, that delete was my oops - anyway Nathan went and loved it so much he didn't want to leave everyday when it was time to go. And he wowed the Primary School Principal (who was one of his teachers) with how smart he is! She bragged on him Wednesday when I picked him up and yes Mama is proud!