Monday, January 4, 2010

Noah Six Months Old

Noah is now 6 months old! Shane took him to the doctor today because he wasn't feeling well and his check up was already scheduled for later this week. So wham, bam on top of an ear infection he got 8 shots! Poor guy! We'll start him on antibiotics tonight. He is 17 lbs. 7 oz., 27 inches long and just a bundle of joy. He has learned to spit and blow bubbles and loves to play with his toys now. He can pull that pacifier out and chew on it upside down and backwards. He will put anything he can get his hands on in his mouth. He is loving his cereal and fruits and veggies. Last night he and Mommy made a mess with the carrots. I evidently wasn't feeding him fast enough so he just reached right and grabbed on to that bowl. We are so very blessed with our two precious boys.

1 comment:

Ky Nana said...

What a happy little face.
Look at those big brown eyes. He is a lady killer lol