Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Horned Dolphin and a Deer with Tusks

Nathan’s newest letter animal at school is Nikki Narwhal. When he first learned about it he came home saying that the narwhal had a long nose. I knew that wasn’t true so I told him that it wasn’t a nose, but rather a horn. It turns out that I was wrong too.

Tonight Nathan and I spent some time looking up animals on the computer. I found a video of a narwhal and learned that it actually isn’t a horn, but rather a tusk that grows out through a hole in its mouth.

So Nathan and I started talking about tusks and looking up pictures of other animals that have tusks (this is why I love the internet.) We found pictures of warthogs, elephants, and walruses, all animals that I knew had tusks. Then we found this animal that you see below. It is actually a Musk Deer and as you can see it has two very prominent tusks.


So tonight while teaching Nathan I learned a thing or two as well. Who would have thought that there was a deer with tusks out there.

O and in case you are may not know what a narwhal looks like I can throw one of those in here too.


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