Monday, February 9, 2009

Imagination Movers

This weekend we got to go spend a few days with my family while Shane was in Nashville and then on Saturday we got to see some of his family in Birmingham. The Yates got tickets with us to see the Disney Imagination Movers at the Alabama Theater. We all had fun seeing the show together. Nathan was a little skiddish about it being dark and being loud during the show so we didn't get to see all of it but it was still fun and exciting for all, even us parents. Thanks to Sumer for the pictures because crazy me didn't pack our camera for the trip.

Sumer, Caleb and Silas

Nathan jumping with the Movers during the first song.

We had great seats, third or fourth row!

After the show we had two of Mover Rich. He's the favorite of both of these guys.

Mover Rich playing his drums on our bed. He was so excited he slept in his Mover shirt and then wanted to wear it to church the next day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glsd everyone had a good time. Canaan and I had a good time too. But I sure was sore from carrying him around all weekend.It was all worth it