Friday, February 20, 2009

Pirate Ship

Nathan and I have spent a bunch of time together this week. So I have been having fun taking pictures of my rapidly growing boy. I have to say that being a dad of a kid who can play pretend and catch a football is a grand experience.

On Tuesday we went to Wal-Mart and I told him that we couldn't pay for anything, but we could only look. Well, when we got in the store there was a Mega Block viking ship that normally was around $30 but was on sale for just seven dollars. Immediately Nathan was saying "I wanna pay for the pirate ship." I thought it would be a good thing to have, but I didn't want to break my earlier rule. So we went home shipless.

After supper Meredith was going to Ladies' Night Out, so she suggested I run by the store real quick and get the ship. I was very agreeable to that option. What I didn't realize was just how many pieces this ship had, and that Mega Blocks sure ain't Legos. They just don't snap together as well.

So I spent over an hour putting this ship together. Nathan alternated between playing with the sea creature and the knights, watching Mary Poppins, and taking apart what I had already built. When it was finished I was quite proud, though. The little guys even row the ship when you press a button. How cool is that!


Anonymous said...

You have more patience than I. I hate putting things together. Good job though.

Sumer said...

Very cool! He looks very excited about your accomplishment! And I think that is how it normally is for us, we want them to have some toy more than they even want it.