Saturday, February 21, 2009

Daddy Day at the Dollar Tree

On Wednesday Nathan threw up as we were turning onto the babysitter's road. (Examining what I had to clean up I think Nathan had swallowed a whole Life Saver and that was the cause of his problem). I had stayed up until 3 the night before working on my LifeWay deadline so I was ready to go back home and get some sleep. Instead I went back home to clean him up and hose off the car seat. Then I had to entertain him until Meredith got home at 12:00. No nap, just more fun times with Nathan.

So he and I went to Dollar Tree. I needed to get some safety goggles for something at church and Nathan ended up with a couple of toys. There is nothing better than a toy that costs a dollar that he likes so much that he sleeps with it that night. Below you will see pictures with him and his magnifying glass. He likes to look through it and search for clues (Blues Clues style) and use it for experiments.

The other picture is of lunch on Wednesday. He saw the safety goggles and wouldn't eat until I let him wear his "wobble goggles." The things that you do when you are a dad of a 2 year old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chip off the old block