Saturday, March 5, 2011

Montgomery Zoo

A few weeks ago we were tired of being cooped up in the house with all of us except Noah being sick. Nathan was finally recovering from the flu and the weather was beautiful so we decided to go to the zoo. It was so nice to be outside and enjoy the fresh air and see all the animals. We stopped for lunch at Five Guys Burgers and Fries and we even ate lunch outside there. Noah has always been an extremely messy eater so we just recently started giving him ketchup. By the time we finished here he had it from his hair to his chin. But we think he's adorable though!
Without knowing it we hit a Saturday where they were having "learning time" for the animals. The zookeepers would put out boxes with food in them at certain times and the animals would have to get the box open and get the food out. It was neat to watch them run for it and sometimes fight for it. This first pose was while we were waiting to see the Chimpanzees.
Since Nathan was recovering from the flu still we rented a second stroller from the zoo. I think other than the train that little car was Noah's favorite part.
I think the elephants are Shane's favorite.
Splashing in the otter water. Kind of gross but the boys loved it.
The new huge playground was a big hit with the boys.

Nathan is four feet tall now. Won't be long before he's taller than me!

We had to wait in line quite a while for the train but it was well worth it. I think this was Noah's first train ride.

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