Saturday, September 18, 2010

Noah Plays

There are lots of times when my boys get into things because I am not watching. Normally this is because I am sleeping, or watching football, or checking email or doing other not-good-dad type things.

But this time I was being a good dad. I was reading Nathan a story with him in my lap and the book in his. Noah was alternative between messing with the book, climbing in my face, and playing on his own. After a moment of no Noah I turned to find him only to see what you see below. Apparently I had only placed the top of the cream on the jar, and Noah had decided that I didn’t apply enough before I put on his pajamas.

Meredith was out of the house and the visual was too good to pass up with a picture so I made Nathan run and get the camera. I guess because there was none in his eyes and because he was finally getting to do what he seems to want to do every night (play in the cream) Noah was happy to let me take his picture.

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Ky Nana said...

looks like he feels better, maybe you don't put enough on lol. I love his pictures he is always smiling(expect for the one were you told him no more cookie)

Penny said...

Just wait until he starts walking, maybe he was taking a jump on the acne to come, Cute picture always smilting.