Saturday, April 24, 2010

Words from Nathan

Meredith is at the beach so I am home with the boys this weekend. Nathan just cracks me up. Yesterday we went to Columbus and Noah was not happy on the ride. I tried several things to get him to calm down, even pulling over a couple of times, but nothing helped. Finally I just said, “Noah, chill!” Nathan heard me, but he heard it wrong and started saying, “Noah, kill! Kill, Noah!”

Today, Nathan has an imaginary brother and sister. It started last night actually, but it has really come into its own today. The sister’s name is Canceline and the brother’s name is just a series of gibberish that I think changes every time. Nathan fully believes that they are there, however, even yelling at me for closing the van door before Canceline could get out.

Tonight when we were saying our prayers he prayed  “Thank you God for my new baby brother, Noah, and my daddy, and my mommie and Canceline and my brother and Canceline’s mommy and daddy and my mommy and daddy, Amen” So apparently Canceline and the brother are adopted because they have different parents.

Life with Nathan sure is fun. Here are a couple of random pictures before bed last night.  



Sumer said...

I love that they are adopted, that is just funny! And maybe he is trying to tell you something! ;)

Ky Nana said...

What a kid. He is so much fun.

Shane said...

The imaginary friends have gone a little crazy now. Yesterday we had to make a new rule in our house, "Mommy and Daddy tell Nathan what to do; Nathan gets to tell every imaginary person what to do." We made that rule because Nathan kept telling us to tell Brice to get out of the tree or Taylor to get off the tee-ball field. It got old.