Thursday, April 1, 2010

School Easter Egg Hunt

Nathan's class had their Easter Egg Hunt and Party at school today. He had lots of fun and lots of sugar too! And the Easter weekend is just beginning...

Class pictures. Imagine trying to get 16 three year olds sitting still and looking in the same direction at the same time. Quite funny!

Mrs. Donna told them each to find seven eggs and they practiced counting to seven on their fingers before they went outside. Some of them did better than others. But they were all thrilled with what they found.One of the eggs Nathan found was a pop up egg and he was ecstatic.

They had lots of yummy snacks. Nathan is like his mama. He pays close attention when it comes to the food. When I came in he was very excited and began telling me which snack each of his friends brought. The egg Nathan is eating is a green jello egg. I asked the grandmother who brought them how she did it. She said "with a jello mold I've had since my kids were this age." Oh well.
Mrs. Donna and Mrs. Wendy gave them all Bunny masks.
Noah enjoyed being at the party too. Nathan's friends were fascinated with Noah. Lexi told me "Your baby is sooooo cute."
This is as close as Nathan would get to the Easter bunny.

However Noah liked him and liked playing with his goatee.

1 comment:

Ky Nana said...

I don't know what happened to my comment but I will try again.Nathan always seems to have fun no matter what he is doing or where he is. That is a great trait.Noah is so sweet sitting in the Easter Bunny's lap. Can't wait until I see them again