Saturday, April 10, 2010

9 month old Noah

I'm a bit late posting but this is our sweet Noah now. He is such a delight. He is 20 lbs and a chunk! His little feet are so chubby I asked Shane the other day if he thought they were swollen. But no, just chubby in all the right places. He loves to play in his exercausers and roll all over the floor. He gets up on his hands and knees and lifts up on his hind legs and plops back down on his bottom. Not quite crawling but he can sure move across the room. Lift up and turn and plop. Turn, lift and plop. He loves his bottle and loves to eat. He eats cereal and all the fruits and vegetables except green peas. (I agree!) He also loves the little gerber puffs. Anytime he sees us eating he wants to eat now too! Seeing his brother makes him laugh and squeal in delight. He loves to play outside with his big brother. We've had many a race between Nathan on his bike and Noah in his big red car. Can't wait to see what it's going to be like when he's really chasing Nathan!

1 comment:

Sumer said...

Sweet picture, I miss that chunky boy!!