Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Smothering Him with Kisses

Thanksgiving Songs

Most of the transitions I use in these little videos are premade, but for this special Turkey Day version I thought I would make my own, so the turkey and color wedges are all my creation.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

He Knows He's Home

This morning I had an office party at 9:00 so I took Noah with me and we "partied hard" for about 45 minutes then headed home. Noah was in a good mood for most of the party but then started to get a little whiny toward the end because he was tired. It was time for his nap. I thought he might go to sleep in the car on the way home, but he didn't. I brought him in the house, wrapped him in his blanket and sat down in the rocker with him. He immediately put his little head on my chest, closed his eyes and went to sleep. I thought, he know's he's home. He know's the smell and feel of home and being in mommy's arms. Looking at the peaceful sleeping baby as I rocked him, I thought man, how much God must love us! And how thankful I am to know the feel of "home with Him." How blessed we are and how long has it been since you let your Father wrap you in his arms and hold you and rock you and love on you? I know it's hard, especially in this busy world we live in. As soon as I put Noah down in his bed, I immediately went to my never ending to do list but God said "No, come and sit with me for a while." So I did and it was well worth the minutes. 1Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pajama Day

Is it morning time in this picture? Is Nathan eating breakfast? No, it's 4:00 in the afternoon and Nathan is having his snack. Today was a wonderfully lazy day where we stayed around the house and played and had lunch and took naps all in our pajamas. Ironically, the only one who was in clothes, not pj's when I took this picture was Noah.

On a side note since Nathan asked for rainbow Cheerios last week and we were out I bought some at the store a few days later. He almost cried when I showed him and said "No, the ones with the bird on it!" How he knows what Fruit Loops are I'll never know. I've only bought Fruity Cheerios so far. Anyway, since he was sick this week I traded them for some Fruit Loops. The boy now wakes up asking for Fruit Loops and goes to bed asking for Fruit Loops. Breakfast time, lunchtime, snacktime, anytime he can get them, he asks for Fruit Loops. I think he's gone through half a box (the BIG box) in a week.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fun with Friends and the Wii

Last night we went to eat Mexican with John, Nina and Lexi. Then we all came back to our house to play Wii. And everyone had fun with the Wii, even Lexi and Nathan. Bowling was the game of the night. Granted he's had a lot more practice playing with Daddy but Nathan even beat Nina's score! It's wonderful to have a night of fun with friends, even if they are BAMA fans! Nathan's so used to our family coming from out of town and spending the night, he cried when our friends had to leave; he wanted them to spend the night too.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Clock Watching

Nathan woke up from his nap asking for his mommy. He just couldn't seem to understand that she wouldn't be home until after she got off of work. Eventually after it seemed like I told him that she would be home later for the 100th time I told him to check out the clock. I told him that mommy would be home at 5:15. I didn't realize that he was just going to sit down in front of the clock to watch and wait.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Bowling Toy


I (Shane) had high hopes for my new Wii. I saw a bright future of Nathan and I playing video games together, the games getting more and more complicated as he got older until we were fighting old school in Street Fighter 2 or something similar.

The reality has been that the introduction of a Wii to our house means that I find myself sitting in the hall setting up bowling pins. The success of Wii Bowling and how quickly Nathan picked it up means that he wants to play “real” bowling now pretty much all the time. I can’t even convince him to bowl on the Wii so I can get a turn. I guess sometimes things don’t work out the way you plan. (o yeah, one more thing, I had to make him put pants on so I could take this picture)


Monday, November 9, 2009

Ear Troubles

Several weeks ago (September 15 to be exact) Nathan told me that a bird flew in his ear and made him yawn. It wasn’t long before he was crying about how bad his ear hurt.

We went to the doctor and he looked in Nathan’s ear. He said that it was full of wax and something that looked like fibers. We tried to ask Nathan if he put anything in his ear and didn’t get a straight answer. The doctor tried to use a little hook to clean out his ear and ended up scraping the side and making it bleed. His ear bled for the rest of the day.

So today we are back at the doctor for the 3rd time since then. The doctor looks and says that the ear is still very infected but he can’t really see in there. So he gets the nurse to use a water pick to try to clean out the little guys ear.

Well it wasn’t a pleasant experience. Nathan hated to have someone that close to his ear and I ended up needing to put my leg across his legs and hold both of his arms while she tried to spray in there.

After the third spray she decided to look at see what sort of progress she was making. She got this funny look on her face and said, “there is something in there, something fuzzy.” She called the doctor and he took a look and then picked up the little hoop on a stick.

Well Nathan freaked out so we ended up with him laying on the table with me laying on top of him holding down his arms and legs and even still he almost got away. In the end the doctor pulled out the little craft pom pom thing that you see below. I had to bring it home because I was so fascinated by it.



Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nighttime Nathan

When we are putting Nathan to bed we just never know what he's thinking. Tonight as I was tucking him in he says,"Mommy, when I wake up in the morning I will go to the grocery store and get some rainbow cheerios and they will be beautiful and I will tell Daddy and I will take them to the park to my party. Ya, that will be good." He can always make me smile.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Auburn Homecoming 2009

Nathan's fever was gone this morning and we had already arranged a babysitter for Noah (Thank you so much Sherry and Darryl - you're the greatest!) so we went ahead and went to Auburn. I just couldn't pass up tickets to the Auburn game. But when we got to Auburn, Nathan still wasn't quite up to par and it's a lot of walking to and from the game. So, we went to one of our favorite restaurants in Auburn, Brick Oven Pizza. Nathan got his little heart broken because they have taken his favorite, Pretzel Dog, off the menu. There was a lot of sadness and almost tears, but the pizza dough they give you to play with perked him up a little. That and the promise of a trip to Target with a hot dog from the snack bar. We never wound up going to the game, but it was still a special day for us to spend it with just Nathan and we did get to go Tiger Rags and see Toomer's Corner being rolled. War Eagle!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Four Month Old Noah

Shane did let me dress him up in a sweet outfit just once this past Sunday.
Noah is now four months old. Shane took him for his check up Tuesday and he now weighs 15 lbs. 7 0z. And he has an ear infection. Hopefully with the antibiotic he will be well soon. We tried eating cereal for the first time tonight. He didn't smile and ooh and ahh over it, but he sure did scream when we didn't get the spoon back up to him fast enough. Overall, he is a happy, baby full of smiles and laughter and sleeps pretty good most nights. Not every night, but most nights. He has learned to clasp his hands together and grab his toys and pull his pacifier out! He also loves to kick his legs and feet up and down and kick at his toys hanging over him. Too cute!
Since Noah was having cereal Nathan had to have cereal too, of course!

Bubble Bath Nathan

My boy Nathan loves a bubble bath! Poor guy, the last day or so he's started to develop a cough again and tonight he had a fever. I hope it's a passing thing, not another major sickness coming on. Evidently the tylenol helped, because by bath time he was in a playful mood again.