Saturday, July 25, 2009

Albany Zoo

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Nathan and I went to the Albany Zoo today. It was a pretty fun day. He is at a good age for the two of us to go out and run around together. This little car that Meredith picked up used for $15 has been a lifesaver lately. It is perfect for something like the zoo. He gets to ride, but it is much cooler than a stroller. I even rolled him in it on the Disc Golf course. (On a side note I played 4 holes of disc golf and I am terrible.)

Our Super Squirrel

We had several moments today where we just had to grab the camera...

Shane and Nathan were having a birthday party this morning and Nathan went to change his pull up by himself. When he came back he was ready to go, party hat on, shirt tucked in and mama's tennis shoes on.
A little later, watching some Blues Clues, having a snack, still wearing his party hat.
Tonight he got some "new to us" Superman PJ's and went to bed a superhero.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Three Weeks Old and Three Generations

Today was a special day. Noah got to meet his Great Grandmother.
And Great Aunt Joan
Aunt Amanda and Fe Fe came to visit too.
We had such a great time being together. Nathan loves it when our family comes to visit. He was so excited to come home from daycare this morning and see everyone. Here Nathan is having story time and snack time with Fe Fe. Hopefully it won't be too long before we can go to Pell City so Noah can meet the rest of the family.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Noah is Nursing!

I am drug free today and Noah went back to nursing just fine. Praise the Lord!

Calvary Kids Swimming

Saturday afternoon we had a church swim party for the kids. We had tons of fun as Nathan got a chance to practice some of his new "swim moves" and "jump" over and over. His favorite thing at the pool is to stand on the side and jump to me and make as big a splash as he can. I was very impressed when he asked me to back up far away and not come closer to the side.

Miss Andrea came to Lifeguard for us.
"Kicking" with Mrs. Kelli

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ups and Downs of Being Better

I have been reading the last few days in Matthew of some of the healing miracles Jesus performed and how the people rejoiced and were so excited to tell of their healing and of the man who performed these miracles. I am very thankful God is bringing healing to me. I am much better and more sane of a person today than I have been the last few days. The rash has subsided to a light splotchiness under the skin and hardly any itching at all. However, Noah's having a little bit of a tough time adjusting to the formula, more gas and harder for him to process it. And it is hard for me to get up in the night or stop what I'm doing to go use my breast pump knowing I'm just going to throw it out all for the purpose of keeping my body on Noah's schedule. We've made it two days, only 3 more to go. Thank you for your prayers and please keep them going.

Thank You from Winn Dixie

Monkey Joes Morning

I've been wanting to take Nathan to Monkey Joe's again for a while and it's better to go on a weekday morning because the crowd is a lot smaller. Daycare was closed for the day so we took advantage of it and made it a Mommy and Nathan morning. Nathan loves Monkey Joe's not only for the inflatable jumps and slides but now he loves the VIDEO GAMES too. Just like his daddy. They have a pretty cool bowling game and he scored a few points playing air hockey with me. But mostly he loved to sit and pretend to drive the race cars.

And of course we couldn't leave without having popcorn!

Two Weeks Old

Yesterday, Noah was two weeks old and finally got his first bath. His umbilical cord came off Wednesday night so we put him in the tub last night. It was not the most pleasant of experiences and this is the best picture we got...after bath.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Meredith Update

Meredith went back to the Dr. today. They did blood work and didn’t really find anything new, but because of the fever they know think she may have had some sort of virus.

So she is currently taking Prednisone and some allergy thing called Xyzan(something). Hopefully this stuff is going to take care of the itching and the rash. Unfortunately this means that she won’t be able to nurse for the next week. Noah is doing fine with formula though so it looks like he will be fine for the next few days.


I think that this is what she told me, I have been spending the day with both boys so my brain is a little tired. Meredith will get on and correct me if I am wrong.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Meredith is Sick

Meredith has some sort of allergic reaction that has now spread to lots of places on her body. She tried to go without Benadryl so that she could go back to nursing, but she itches too bad.

Looks like Noah will get some formula tonight. She goes to the doctor tomorrow to see what they can tell her about what is going on.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I am one of those Dads

Nathan started swimming lessons yesterday. Meredith took him and took these pictures. I went with him today and I have to say that it was a blast. I was so proud of him. He sat on the side like he was supposed to and waited his turn. When he was swimming he went for it with gusto and wasn’t afraid to put his face in the water or kick or even float on his back.

The best part was his face when his turn was finished. He would turn and look at me and just beam. I can see now how dads get all wrapped up in their kid’s sports stuff. I can easily see myself doing that (and I will share a video story with you soon of another such story)

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Pace Yourself

I wanted to set these posts so that you get a new one every day, but in the end I couldn’t figure it out so you get 3 new posts in one day. But history says that when I do this sort of thing you don’t leave us a comment and that just hurts our feelings. Seriously, Meredith and I talk about comments on this blog like they were letters from the president. There were all sorts of people telling us they saw pictures of Noah on his birthday who didn’t comment. We were like “why didn’t you tell us our baby was pretty.” Yes, I know we need help.

Anyway, these are some random Noah pictures. I just like to see him in lots of different poses. His face makes me smile.

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They speak for themselves

I love it when a series of pictures tells the whole story. Meredith wanted a picture of her boys since they both were wearing brown and blue. Check out the progression to see the results.

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Nathan and Daddy go Explore

Nathan and I went out on Saturday to the Providence Canyon. In the end we really didn’t go very far down into the canyon, but we did play on the playground and get to look through this “periscope” so it was a pretty fun day. I have some video too, but I have that saved for a special project.


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Birthday Blessings

Thirty Five! What a wonderful birthday I've had this year. Saturday night we went to eat at Olive Garden to celebrate. Dinner was delicious and it was nice to be out of the house for a little while.
Sunday was actually my birthday so after church Shane and Nathan brought me home a birthday cake. Nathan picked out my candles in the store and couldn't wait to blow the fire out and have cake once they got home!
I also had two sweet friends, Reba and Theresa come for lunch showering us with birthday and baby gifts and a Nathan gift too. They also brought me homemade cupcakes - yummy! I feel very blessed to be 35 and alive with Christ as my Savior, Shane the best husband ever and two precious boys in my life.