Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Preachers Kids Rock!

Saturday night we had our new pastor and his family over for pizza and fun. Nathan was so excited he could hardly stand it. We ran to the grocery store and pick up the pizza before they came and Nathan told the checkout girl at both places that Abby, Kendall and Deric were coming to play. Shane happened to catch them rocking out with some of Nathan's instruments. They are all sweet kids (even for preacher's kids) and we're very excited they have moved to Eufaula to be a part of our church.

Skateboarding Craze

Shane and Nathan's newest craze is these tiny little skateboards you can get at the dollar store or at Walmart for two or three dollars. Nathan loves to push them around and smack them and make them do flips and tricks. Evidently this was big time for all guys and has now made it's way down to two year olds because Shane found all kinds of and tricks on the internet and he's learning how to do it now too. :)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Out of the mouth of babes...

First of all, I don't know if I have put on the blog our chosen name for this new little baby boy...Noah David Yancey. Shane and I chose Noah from the Bible and David for my dad a.k.a One. Nathan really seems to grasp the concept that he has a baby brother growing in mommy's belly. We have to constantly remind him not to jump on Mommy and be careful for Baby Noah but once you remind him he's okay with it.

This baby seems to be growing really big really fast. Recently I have had more than one person comment on my due date and how I'm really showing a lot. (Thus I will not post a picture of this big belly on the internet.) Even Nathan seems to be noticing. Yesterday morning I walked in his bedroom to get him up and he said "Mommy, Baby Noah David is growing really, really big!"

What could I say, but "Yes, he is."

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mommy and Me Lunch Date

Friday for lunch Nathan wanted to go to Burger King for chicken and french fries so I took him on a lunch date. The grandmother behind us couldn't get her two girls to sit and eat because they wanted to play, play, play. I was so proud. My boy sat and ate every bit of his lunch before getting up to play. He was hungry! He's been going through a growth spurt this week and two days he ate a full lunch at Mrs. Lindsey's and then as Shane and I were eating lunch he wanted to eat again. At night an hour after supper he would want to eat again and did! I feel so blessed to have the freedom to spend as much time as I do with Nathan and do things like take him to lunch and play in the park. God's gifts are exceedingly abundant and more than we can ask or imagine.
The true way for a King to sport his crown.
Rocking out on the "tennis racquet guitar" in the van.

Fun in the Sun with Friends

Since Eufaula schools are on spring reak Shane spent an hour or so playing tennis with Andrea, Nathan's babysitter. She's on the tennis team and she's good. I'm impressed Shane kept up with her after not playing in so long. Nathan and I went to cheer them on and play a little tennis as well. We both got good exercise as we covered the remaining three courts hitting and chasing the ball.

Then after running a few errands Nathan and I ate a picnic lunch with our friends Miss Reba and Miss Theresa. Miss Reba spoiled us both by bringing Oreos to share with me and animal crackers for Nathan!

The Nativity Story

We swapped out our toybox in the den with our second set of toys this week. In that box was the nativity set. This is what Nathan remembers and played out over and over again. "The animals had a snack."

Bathtime Bubbles and Bedtime Stories

One night this week Nathan had his first bubble bath! He wasn't too sure at first and was hesitant to get in but once he was in he had a blast.
I couldn't help but grab the camera and snap a picture of father and son reading together before bed. Shane loves to read and Nathan is loving it too now. I hope this will continue for years.

Monday Morning with Daddy

Since Shane has Mondays as his day off he and Nathan usually pal around together. They have a tradition of a mid-morning McDonald's biscuit and then they find somewhere to play or explore. This week it was the library and the park.

Sunday Snapshots

We are loving these longer beautiful spring days!

Rocking out at Subway with Daddy after having some fresh Subway subs!
Playing with our pals on the church playground.
Riding the train in the nursery!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Preacher's Kid

...or shall I say this Preacher's Wife was not doing the best job of keeping an eye on her kid at the covered dish luncheon today. I went and got Nathan from the nursery and was in line fixing our plates while Shane finished speaking to people after the service and made his way downstairs. Nathan would be with me one second then bounce away and bounce back again talking to different people. I saw Shane come in and Nathan run in that direction so I thought things were cool. Towards the end of the food line Diann comes over to me with white icing on her fingers to tell me that my son hands and mouth were covered in that white icing. He evidently went diving into someone's multilayer homemade coconut cream cake. The ladies all got a kick out of it so it wasn't the worst thing in the world but of course Nathan was either allergic to the cream or the coconut and broke out in hives. And of course we were out of the benadryl strips I keep in his diaper bag. Fortunately the reaction was mild and we made it home to get some benadryl and he is now sleeping soundly. Lesson learned. Actually two!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nathan as Goliath

I don't know how this got started, but one day Nathan told me to be a giant. Then like on VeggieTale he spun an imaginary rock over his head (actually he spun his head around) and then threw it and when it hit me in the head I fell down on the bed. This is a sort of running game for us, so one night Nathan was the giant. What you see here is the result. There is a little extra game thrown in at the end because Meredith still had the camera. Our room isn't bright enough for video late at night so I had to really mess with it to make it bright enough to see. Sorry about the quality.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tiger Basketball

Last week Shane WON FREE tickets to the Auburn basketball game on Saturday. Then when we found out my parents were going to the same game it made it all the more fun! Nathan actually sat and watched some of the game this time. He had more fun jumping with a little boy named Nicholas in the bouncy house they had for kids and pretending to be a purple basketball player while shooting hoops in the blow up goal thing. For some reason LSU was a little more memorable than Auburn to him. He has told more than one person since when got home that he went to the basketball game and watched the purple basketball players. Regardless Auburn won. War Eagle! After the game we also spent a little bit of time at the mall and Nathan had lots of fun riding the rocking cow and the rocking tiger.

Dragon Hunters

Saturday was a fun day for the Yanceys. Meredith will tell you some more later, but in the morning Nathan and I went on a dragon hunt.

Meredith needed some time to clean the house and it was a perfect morning (not to hot, but bright and sunny, you know the kind of day that all of the colors look better) so Nathan and I decide to head to the new walking track and see the "waterfall". To call this place a waterfall is similar to calling your shower a waterfall, but it is a good size for Nathan.

I thought it would be fun to pretend like we were hunting dragons so before we left the house we started the game. Unfortunately Nathan had lost his magnifying glass his swords are in bad shape so we needed new equipment if we were going to survive. I begged a 5 dollar bill from Meredith and we went to the Dollar Tree to get resuplied.

We ended up with a sword, two nets, and a new maginfying glass and headed out to kill the dragon. Nathan was adorable as he used his net to capture all sorts of imaginary creatures. In the end the first time we walked down to the waterfall we killed the dragon and then after we walked all the way back up to the top Nathan wanted to go down and catch the dragon.

So we are walking back to the van with this imaginary dragon in Nathan's net. Nathan is riding on my shoulders and so I ask him what he wants to name the dragon and he says, "Yoda." So Yoda the dragon keeps getting free and Nathan would reach up real high to catch him again so that he could show Mommy.

When we got to the house Nathan said, "Look Mommy it's Yoda the dragon." It was too cute. After we let the dragon go (because dragons are too big to keep in the house) Meredith took our picture. (Don't you just love the blue hair btw)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

More Great Things in Albany

Even though we rarely go to "the mall" anymore they have a pretty awesome mall with lots to entertain little children. Nathan loved every single one of these little rides and didn't even ask to put coins in which makes it all the better.
And we just happened to stumble upon a Mellow Mushroom Pizza place which we all love. Shane and I pigged out and each ordered our favorites, the pesto pinwheel for Shane and the Hawaiian for me. Yumm!

Playground at the Park

At the same park as the zoo there was an awesome playground where we all had a good time.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Albany Mini Zoo

A few weekends ago we went to the Parks at Chehaw in Albany, Ga. which turned out to be a pretty cool little zoo. We got there just in time for the Cheetah Run. We learned cheetahs naturally only chase and pounce their prey once a day. So the trainers have set up a fake prey chase thing which is actually line where they zip this flag looking thing around and if the cheetah catches it they feed them meat. Shane and I thought it was amazing to watch and Nathan actually thought it was pretty cool too. By the time they let the third cheetah out to run Nathan was yelling "Run cheetah, run!" The monkeys and the bald eagles were among his other favorites as well as the big bridge and the eagles nest they had made that you could climb up in.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mommy Retreat

I am at the Alabama Association of Baptist Secretaries Conference. and I'm learning a lot and enjoying some time to myself and missing Shane and Nathan lots too. God is so good and the worship here is wonderful as well as the fellowship. It's interesting to hear some of the stories from sister secretaries across the state. Shane and Nathan are busy having a good time. I've got lots of pictures and posts to catch up on when I get home.