Monday, May 2, 2011

Parkview Picnic

Nathan ready to swim!
That splash spot in the middle is Nathan swimming - no swimmies!

What's a picnic without hot dogs!

I am very blessed to have the job I do. For secretary's day this week I received flowers from the ministers and they took Gwen and I to lunch. And we are very blessed to have another church family who knows us and is there to love on us right now. We went to Parkview's worship service this morning and Nathan had a great time in children's church with Christian, one of his soccer pals. This afternoon, while Daddy and Noah napped, Nathan and I went to Parkview's annual picnic. Lots of friends and great food and Nathan spent four straight hours playing in the water! After ten years of being in Eufaula we are actually enjoying that lake water!

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