Saturday, December 4, 2010

It’s just 6:00

Saturdays tend to bring out these thoughts more than other days, but tonight Meredith and I looked at each other and then at the clock and said almost simultaneously. “It’s just six o’clock.” Which translate from parent speech to “What on earth are we going to do with these boys for the next hour when we can legitimately start putting on their pajamas.”

Well, Meredith is a very clever woman and went out in the carport and created a carnival for Nathan complete with prizes. I didn’t get pictures of the whole thing, but you can see Nathan at one of the stations below.


Noah found the prize bag and couldn’t resist taking a peek.


While the boys were playing at the carnival I finally put together Nathan’s cardboard castle. We got the castle stuff on 75% off clearance after Halloween and the box from a local furniture store. It isn’t the most elegant thing in the world, but it should be a fun place to play for a few days.


But the coolest part of the night had to be Noah walking around with Meredith. It was like he just suddenly decided that he wanted to start walking. Meredith held one of his hands and he walked all around the carport. It looks like he is one more decision away from running around the house.


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