Sunday, November 14, 2010

Noah Update 16 months

Noah is nothing but a bundle of joy right now. He is growing and learning so much. Not yet walking but we feel he is close. He is standing up all over the house now. He loves to snuggle up under your chin and hug you. He also loves to snuggle with teddy bears and even spiderman. He has a "blankie" though we don't call it that. One of the blankets Aunt Jennie made is super soft and when we put him in his crib at night he grabs his pacifier and pops it in and takes that little blanket and pulls it close and he is off to sleep. He is learning his face, hands, head, feet and belly. He will pull up his shirt and show you his belly wanting you to zerbert him. He has several words to express what he wants including "belly". Anytime the water runs, he says "bath" and scurries toward the tub. If he wants to get up and play on our bed, he says "bed". He loves to point out all the "balls" he sees, even the oranges in the store. One of his new favorite loves is his big brother's scooter. I am a pushover because he is so cute. He crawls over to it, pats on it and says "ride". So I stand him up on it and push him around and around. He loves socks and shoes and and says "shoes, shoes!" whenever you get ready to put them on him. He is different from Nathan in a lot of ways...he doesn't want to be strapped in anywhere...thus he can't stand stroller rides, swings, even riding in his little red car doesn't last for long anymore. He is really not a TV watcher, whereas Nathan always was and still is. It will be interesting to see his personality develop more and more. We went for a check up a few weeks ago and he was 24 lbs 12 oz. He started allergy medicine today. I hope he doesn't have to be on it regulary like Nathan is. We're going to a dermatologist next week to see about treating his molluscum contagiosum. Still praying for healing there. He has a mouth full of teeth though he is still missing some of his front teeth which makes that little grin super cute. Anytime you're having a bad day all you need is a little Noah time to cheer you up!

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