Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Weekend with the Yates

Saturday morning Nathan woke up to a wonderful surprise! His cousins were here! We were so blessed to have Sumer and Corey and the boys come visit for the weekend. Saturday these boys played and played and played some more. The weather was beautiful so we were able to be outside and play on the playground.
Caleb is a child after my own heart. Sunday night after he ate his pizza, he came over to me and asked, "Aunt Yoshi, what's for dessert?" Caleb, I agree. We have to have dessert!

The big boys loved being around baby Noah as much Noah loved having them here for entertainment. Although it was a little loud for sleeping. Lots of laughing, running and squealing going on in this house.
Saturday night we fed the boys and then the adults got to go out dinner - just us! Andrea and Ashley braved the fabulous five and came to babysit for us.
Silly hat Silas at breakfast time!

Jamming out Sunday night after Sumer shared her heart with us at Calvary. Although it's hard for me to think of the Yates being as far away as Africa this summer, I know the Lord has great things in store for their family and I admire Sumer and Corey for stepping out in faith.


Sumer said...

Those are some cute pics!!

Ky Nana said...

wonderful pictures. I sure missed being there. Thanks for the pics so I can see how the boys are growing and how they love each other.