Thursday, January 15, 2009

Growing Up

Wednesday when I put Nathan down for a nap, he asked to go to "Mommy's work" meaning he wanted to go play on the playground at Parkview. So I told him after his nap we would go. As soon as he woke up from his nap he asked again to go to Mommy's work. While it was still warm enough I wanted him to play outside and we did enjoy playing together on the playground. Since Parkview has an excellent preschool program I hope to enroll Nathan there this fall. As we were out there playing it was hard for me to imagine him running around out there without me following him around to help him climb and catch him when he falls. At least we have a few more months before we are there. :)


Anonymous said...

He is growing up too fast.

Sumer said...

I remember one of the first few weeks of Caleb being at preschool, I got to watch him on the playground through a church window. I cried!

But at least that will give you some good one on one time with the little one! :)