Friday, December 19, 2008

Our Baby's Heartbeat

Yesterday in the midst of recovering from stomach viruses, fighting off a cold, and trying to finish up Christmas shopping I had a doctor's appointment. After the first store I dropped off Shane and Nathan at the bookstore and hurried over to the doctor's office thinking "Oh, I hope this doesn't take forever" so I could get back to Shane and Nathan and we could be on with our shopping and evening of dinner and Christmas lights. The nurse called me right back and I was in the room waiting on the doctor in no time. And I waited and waited and waited. Finally the doctor and the nurse came in and she began to roll the doppler thing over my belly and then I heard it... our baby's heartbeat. In that moment the peace and joy of God just washed over me. I realized I already have the greatest Christmas present I could ever ask for this year. God has given us another child. I don't really feel pregnant yet and I don't look pregnant yet but I want to shout to the world it's true! It's real! We are having a baby! We are blessed and I am so thankful and full of joy this Christmas.


Sumer said...

Very sweet and so very exciting!!

Anonymous said...

Thank God He created someone who invented ultrasound so that we can hear those precious miracles

Shane said...

Yep, Meredith gets to listen to the heartbeat and I have to go play with Nathan. Next time Meredith is going to stay at the train store while I go to listen to the baby.