Saturday, September 27, 2008

Montgomery Zoo

It was another beautiful day here so we decided to go to the Zoo. We gave Nathan a choice of going to Auburn for the Tiger Walk or the Zoo and he chose the Zoo. And we did have a lot of fun and got lots of exercise! Nathan enjoys the zoo but he more so enjoys sprinting from one exhibit to the next excited to see what's around the corner. He loves the birds. He walked up to the first pink bird and says "Hello birdie." and waves at him. He liked the snakes and spiders because the Dora video he's been watching has the jungle in it where they have to watch out for snakes and spiders. Of course his favorite part was the train ride.

The otter exhibit had these small waterfalls that came out at the bottom and you could stick your hands or your feet in it and splash and cool off. I had by chance packed Nathan an extra outfit so for our last stop we went back by the otters and let Nathan get all in the waterfalls and he loved it! There weren't any other people around when we did this and I'm glad because I don't think all parents were prepared like us and would not have been very happy when their child whined to get in the water. Nathan wanted us to get in it with him so Shane took his polo shirt off and left his t-shirt on and stuck his head in the water. Then Nathan said "Mommy take your shirt off. Get in the water."

And of course we had a big time on the playground.

I hope Nathan grows to love the zoo as much as Shane and me. We really enjoy seeing the animals and watching them interact. It reminds me of how big and amazing our Creator is. And also how stinky that ark must have been.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOu never said if you pulled you shirt off.Ha ha
I swear Nathan has the most pleasant face. He is adorable