Saturday, June 29, 2013

T-Ball Final Game

Nathan's last t-ball game was today. He has learned so much this year. He has become a big hitter. He can hit the coaches pitches and he is hitting it all the way to the fence at times. He has learned a lot in fielding too. It has been a fun year playing with the Green Hornets.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Kickball Fun

Noah and I went to watch the youth play kickball in the park. We got to hang out with Lee Carol and Noah got to have a little soccer fun while Nathan played with the big kids.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lincoln Logs

While Fe Fe and One were here One and Noah got out the Lincoln Logs and started building. That picqued Nathan's interest and he worked hard building this fort today.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Backyard Fun

Once a summer we purchase a pool for the backyard. Even if it's small it's a nice place to cool off on a hot summer day!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Downtown with FeFe and One

Fe Fe and One came to visit and see Nathan play t-ball. After the t-ball game and grilling some hamburgers and hot dogs we went downtown for Paducah's "Downtown after Dinner"

We got to hear lots of great music, see the Animal Tales friends and play with balloon machine guns. We also stopped for ice cream along our walk down to the waterfront. A nice night to be out with the family.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jungle Golf

On Shane's day off this week we went to Maggies' Jungle Golf. They boys love it and went through the course as fast as they could. Fifirey, Shane and I did our best to keep up and stay close to par. I think Shane won in the end.

After golf, we rented the golf carts and rode through the Jungle Run feeding the animals.

That's Noah's little hand throwing the corn out to the Lamas. We all got brave in the end and let the llama eat out of our hand.

 The boys had as much fun riding (and even driving) the golf carts.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Keelyn's First Birthday

We also celebrated Keelyn's birthday the same day. Jennifer and her family decorated and baked and Jonathan grilled hot dogs. Yum! With lots of family and new friends to play with the boys wore themselves out again. Keelyn was as sweet as ever smiling and grinning and posing for pictures. So glad we got to be there to celebrate with her.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Amanda's Baby Shower

Saturday morning we had Amanda's baby shower. We got to see lots of family and eat lots of yummy party food. Nathan and Noah even got some special attention from Aunt Martha who played Ninja Turtles with them and Emily who played on the playground with them. We got to see both Grandmother and Grandmama. I was blessed to have time together with Amy and Jennifer again as well. It's been a long time since the three of us have been all together at the same time. A very blessed morning and we are all very excited to meet baby Brooklyn!