Sunday, November 11, 2012

Noah Growing Up

Sometimes it hits you all at once how much your baby is growing up. Recently Shane and I got tickled because we were all in the living room and we caught Noah red handed going after some chocolate milk. Just the fact that he is strong enough to open the refrigerator is new and then pick out the milk and chocolate syrup cracked us up, although it is the wrong milk. He still drinks soy. Watching him run into preschool and seeing how high he climbs by himself on the playground and slide down the big slides, even upside down, make me smile at how blessed we are to have a healthy growing boy.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fefe and One Visit

We were blessed to have a visit from Fefe and One again. They made a quick weekend trip. The boys waited up till after 10 for the knock on the door Friday night they were so excited. Saturday we went to Columbus Belmont park and had a picnic and explored. Saturday evening we spent time at home, wrestling, playing games and reading. Sunday they headed home. Noah kept asking for Fefe and One for a few days. Glad we will be seeing them soon.