Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nathan’s Silly Song

I don't know what he is singing, but he is having fun singing it that's for sure. When I was watching this video I started thinking about the hours of recorded stuff I will be able to show his girlfriends when he gets older.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Words from Nathan

Meredith is at the beach so I am home with the boys this weekend. Nathan just cracks me up. Yesterday we went to Columbus and Noah was not happy on the ride. I tried several things to get him to calm down, even pulling over a couple of times, but nothing helped. Finally I just said, “Noah, chill!” Nathan heard me, but he heard it wrong and started saying, “Noah, kill! Kill, Noah!”

Today, Nathan has an imaginary brother and sister. It started last night actually, but it has really come into its own today. The sister’s name is Canceline and the brother’s name is just a series of gibberish that I think changes every time. Nathan fully believes that they are there, however, even yelling at me for closing the van door before Canceline could get out.

Tonight when we were saying our prayers he prayed  “Thank you God for my new baby brother, Noah, and my daddy, and my mommie and Canceline and my brother and Canceline’s mommy and daddy and my mommy and daddy, Amen” So apparently Canceline and the brother are adopted because they have different parents.

Life with Nathan sure is fun. Here are a couple of random pictures before bed last night.  


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Callaway Gardens

Our church Keenager group went to Callaway Gardens today. Bro. Craig and I got to go with them. Meredith thought that Nathan would have fun so he went with us. He had a great time. He sat in the back of the van and when he wanted to talk he would say “Hey, Keenagers.”

At one stop when we got back in the van he said, “No one is sitting with me” in this very sad voice and so Mrs. Mozelle got back in the back seat with him. It was very sweet.

There were lots of flowers to look at, but there were butterflies, turtles, and ducks too. Nathan had fun checking out everything and being the center of attention. Of course at lunch we had to have our official “on a trip” food: Hot Dogs.

















Eufaula Pilgirmage

This year I took Nathan and Noah up to visit the Eufaula Pilgrimage since Andrea, Nathan's first babysitter, whom we still love dearly was Pilgrimage Queen this year. I told Nathan we were going to see Miss Andrea all dressed up as a princess and he said, "And Mommy, can I be Mario?" Once we were there, there were actually more fun things to do like drive these huge tractors that Princess Andrea helped rebuild with her FFA group. And of course taste the yummy food. We couldn't come home without stopping for a huge corn dog.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fun with Friends

Since it was spring break last week we had a little more free time and fun with friends.Trenton and his baby brother Landon came over Wednesday. Here Trenton is being a knight and Nathan is being Woody from Toy Story.
We also took Ian to the park with us Monday afternoon. We are loving this beautiful spring weather!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cheeseburger in Paradise

We rounded our trip off with a Saturday morning swim and a trip to the nearby shopping center right by our hotel. We went to a "train store" Barnes and Nobles and ate at a restaurant new to us, Cheeseburger in Paradise. The food was great and the dessert was the best! Nathan's kids meal came with a blue snowcone and I ordered a new to me dessert, chocolate nachos! The pictures don't do it justice - they were delicious - fried flour tortilla shells, plain and chocolate, covered in hot fudge, sprinkles, and strawberries with two flavors of ice cream, vanilla and strawberry, to dip them in. Delicious! Noah was zonked from the weekend of fun. Poor guy, he'll never know what he missed!

Noah Swims…

…and loves every minute of it. The little guy has a fit anytime he gets in the water. He was trying his best to swim, kicking his feet and moving his hands, and apparently has no fear of putting his face in the water because I think he drank half the pool.

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Noah and Friends

On Friday night we had dinner with some college friends. We got to eat at a Mellow Mushroom Pizza that has a table inside of a tree, but Noah was the hit of the night.

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We got to eat dinner with Jay, Shane's college roomate, and his girls, Anli and Virginia who did have a lot of fun with Noah and Millie. Frances was unfortunately out of town at a conference and didn't get to come. We missed you Frances! Mary, one of my best friends and college roomates, and her husband Jason also got to come. This was our first time to meet their new little girl Millie and she is a doll. Hopefully next time it won't be three years before we see each other again!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Georgia Aquarium

Nathan loved riding up and down the glass elevators and pushing #7 and finding Room 705 every time. The smallest things thrill a 3 year old and make life fun. Friday morning Nathan woke up at 6:30 bright and early ready to go downstairs and eat breakfast in the middle of the big hotel. They have a "Made to order breakfast" station where they will cook you eggs and omelets however you like, which I definitely enjoyed. Yummy! Nathan got a special treat too - the lady offered to make him pancakes and made him Mickey Mouse pancakes.

We had our morning in the GA Aquarium in Atlanta today. It was pretty fun. The first few moments were a little crazy. It was full of people and just generally louder and more chaotic than we we imagining. But after a bit Nathan got the hang of the place eventually and had a good time, especially in the few quiet places we could find to sit and watch the fish. (One note, he did also eat hot dogs, but we didn’t get a picture of them)

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Nathan was very excited about the trip in general, from staying in the hotel, a trip to Target, fun restaurants and people. But at the end of the day we asked him what was his favorite part and he said "Going to the aquarium and touching the horseshoe crab."

Atlanta Trip Day 1

Just outside of Eufaula we saw a sign for U-Pick produce. We thought that Nathan would enjoy it so we stopped. Turns out it was a strawberry picking place. Nathan was very happy to pick the strawberries.

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Once we made it to the A-T-L Noah got to eat first and then we went out to the California Pizza Kitchen for my favorite: goat cheese and roasted red peppers pizza.

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After we ate we went to one of Nathan’s favorite places: Target. Nathan was overjoyed to have some popcorn, but he was even happier to swim in the hotel’s indoor pool.