Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Snow Days December 2013

Attempting to sled at Simon and Elliot's house but the snow was too soft.

The snow blowing in our faces was almost too much to bear.

We attempted a few snowballs even though they didn't hold together very well.

And even played a little soccer in the snow.

Little adorable with snow in his eyelashes.

Big blue eyes!
My view of the backyard from the recliner in the living room.
Nathan loved pulling off the icicles and eating them.
Since it was so cold outside we brought some of the snow inside.

Firfirey even tried to bike ride in the snow.
We all pitched in to shovel Ms. Jessie's driveway though Daddy did most of the work.

 One itty bitty snowman!
And lots of movies and video games in our pjs.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Noah's Thanksgiving Feast

Noah's class sang two Thanksgiving songs "Hello Mr. Turkey, How are You?" and another one. In the bottom picture Noah is pulling the string to make his turkey gobble. After the songs the camera battery died but they all shared a feast and ideas of how to cook a turkey and I got this picture on my phone.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Grandmama's 90th Birthday!


 Grandmama celebrated her 90th birthday this year. We all went to her house for a feast and played and of course enjoyed cake and ice cream! Nathan and Noah got to play with James and Ella who we don't see very often and that was a treat. I enjoyed playing with Keelyn and holding sweet baby Brooklyn all day!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Go Karts with Cousins

We went to Nashville to see baby Micah when he was born and also found some time to ride Go Karts and play Putt Putt with the bigger boys. Nathan and Noah were so excited to meet their new cousin and hang out with Canaan, Caleb and Silas again.