Friday, February 18, 2011

More Noah Videos

Growing Up

It is amazing how much Noah has changed this month. He is walking more than he is crawling now and talking up a storm (one word at a time of course.) But the biggest difference is just how much more like a little boy and less like a baby he looks.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dude, Where’s Your Shirt?

Sometimes things with a 1 year old are almost too cute to explain. We have a normal bed time ritual with Noah that goes something like this. We put him to bed, let him roll around and cry for a while, go into his room and collect his pacifier and blanket, lay him back down and he goes to sleep.

Well, tonight I was a little late getting back into his room, and his normal crying noises were replaced by the sound of his jumping up and down in the bed. When I went to check on him the pictures below show what I saw. Noah, was standing up, smiling and playing with his shirt unbuttoned and thrown on the floor. Meredith and I both though it was cute and laughed with him. He giggled too, and eventually we put his shirt back on (an old fashion button up type of pajama shirt) and after letting him play on my bed with me for a bit put him back in his room.


Well, it wasn’t long before I heard what sounded like Noah giggling or talking followed by being upset again. But it wasn’t your typical I don’t want to go to sleep upsetness. When I walked into his room his shirt was off in the floor again and he was sitting with his feet sticking out of the bars looking down at his pacifier, blanket, shirt, and everything else from his bed that he had thrown in the floor.

But what was the funniest part is that as soon as I opened the door he pointed down at the floor and started giggling. I can’t swear to it, but I think that he took his shirt off on purpose because he knew that it made me and Meredith laugh so much the first time. So we had to take another picture even though he had been crying and slobbering, because really it was just too cute.

After that we put a regular pj shirt on him and put him to bed. We haven’t heard another peep from his room since.


A Star Wars Life


It is almost impossible to explain how much Star Wars dominates Nathan’s thoughts right now. It is his daily game and the only movie that he wants to watch. The sound of our house is now a continual “pew, pew, pew” as Nathan runs around shooting imaginary storm troopers. (It is also very cute to watch Noah pick up something and make shooting sounds too.

So what does Star Wars have to do with this picture? Well, Nathan was outside and was being a Storm Trooper. That is why his hood is on his face so that he could look like the guys with the white helmets. Of course he couldn’t see, but that didn’t stop him from running around the yard and making shooting noises.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nathan Stays up all night

I didn’t want to lose my log of our Star Wars Marathon Activities so I am posting it here. It isn’t formatted very well, but at least I have it saved for the future. If you are reading it you need to start at the bottom and read up.

  • Catalyst Eufaula

    This morning I had to go and do a thing for Eufaula TV. When I left this was Nathan still asleep with his momma.

    9 hours ago · Like · · Share

Catalyst Eufaula

That was fun. Nate is now asleep in his bed and I think I will do the same.

17 hours ago via Android · Like ·

  • Catalyst Eufaula

    I feel bad that he didn't even make it to midnight.

    18 hours ago · Like ·
  • Catalyst Eufaula

    The lights are out and we are laying here watching the end of Jedi. Little man's eyes are getting very, very droopy.

    18 hours ago · Like ·
  • Catalyst Eufaula

    It is a very special time when a boy sees his first Ewok. Almost like realizing there is no Santa Clause because for the first time you see that Lucas isn't infallible.

    18 hours ago · Like ·
  • Catalyst Eufaula

    These are the Star Wars space ships that Nathan has created. Yep, 11:03 and he is still going strong.

    19 hours ago · Like · · Share

  • Catalyst Eufaula

    Watching Return of the Jedi makes me realize how much better of a Jedi Anikin is than Luke. I hate the prequels, but Anikin would have whipped up on the people at Jabba's place without even breaking a sweat. Luke gets shot for heaven's sake.

    19 hours ago · Like ·
  • Catalyst Eufaula

    Nathan is at least watching the TV more and playing less. I think he is on his way towards sleepy town. Well, at least I hope he is.

    19 hours ago · Like ·
  • Catalyst Eufaula

    Does he look sleepy to you? Nope, doesn't to me yet either.

    19 hours ago · Like · · Share

      • Brenda Nelson I think u r in for a long night.Have fun

        19 hours ago · Like

      • Catalyst Eufaula Yep, Meredith has already gone to bed.

        19 hours ago · Like

  • Catalyst Eufaula

    Just finished the second half of Empire (We had watched the first half yesterday). Nathan is still going strong. He is now busy breaking his C3-PO so that it looks like it does in Empire.

    19 hours ago · Like ·
      • Brenda Nelson He may be like his Daddy,a night owl

        19 hours ago · Like

  • Catalyst Eufaula

    We have made it through Star Wars and Nathan is still going strong!

    20 hours ago · Like ·
  • Catalyst Eufaula

    Nathan has been asking for several weeks to "Stay up all night" (I should really record the very southern way that he says ni-ight,) So tonight I thought it would be fun to let him try. We are watching Star Wars and playing with Legos. I put the over under at around 10:30.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Nineteen Months and Walking

Yesterday Noah turned nineteen months old and he is finally WALKING! The past few days he has progressed from a few steps here or there to walking all over the house. If he is already down on the floor he will still crawl but anytime he is already standing up or sitting in a chair he will walk now. Yeah Noah! He is also saying words galore! He will try to repeat anything we say and is pretty darn cute at it. The only that's not cute is when he hits and butts you with his head. He is a stubborn little thing. Shane says he gets that from me. Ha ha!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nathan's Prayers

When Nathan prays he often says "thank you" for things that he is praying to happen tomorrow. (i.e. "Thank you God for helping us have a good day tomorrow") Tonight we stopped Star Wars to have our prayer time. Nathan's prayer "Thank you God that the bad guys don't kill Princess Leia." Yes, he is my son, through and through.