Saturday, October 30, 2010

Noah Dances

He may refuse to walk and refuse to talk (I honestly think that he can do both things but doesn't just out of stubbornness) but Noah sure does love to dance. While Meredith and Nathan went to the pumpkin patch with friends (a place that I have still never been) Noah and I stayed home and played. I got out the video camera and caught a couple of the best moments. I have to say that I love this little guy's smile. It makes me smile every time.

Saturday Morning with Daddy

Shane let me sleep in this morning and got up with the boys at 7:00. So they went for breakfast in their pj's. Evidently Noah was still hungry and even after they got home wanted more biscuit!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Parkview Fall Festival 2010

Nathan's school had their Fall Festival along with Parkview church hosting Trunk or Treat so we all had a grand time and came home with quite the loot, sugar for Nathan and Noah and chocolate for Mommy!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fire Party Fun

The weather is just cool enough now to build an evening fire and roast hot dogs and marshmallows. I even bought some dark chocolate for the boys and they both had smores for the first time. Yum!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hat Day

Friday was hat day at school since they were learning the letter "H". Nathan wanted to wear his NY Yankees cap his Grandaddy One gave him and of course he knew how to be cool and went to school sporting it backwards.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blue Bank Suckers

I've written before about how the teller at the bank knows Nathan and his love for blue suckers. Well, now little brother is in on the treat now too. He knows what Nathan has and wants one too so I decided to let him have one this week. By the time he got through with his sucker he was blue from head to toe.

And landed right in the tub even before lunch!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Soccer Fun

Soccer season has come to an end. It was a lot of fun. Shane and Nathan both learned a lot about playing and had a lot of fun. Monday night was his last game and then a team pizza party afterwards.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lincoln Log Days

Shane put up a different picture from his phone on Facebook this week but here's the first of our Lincoln Log builds. Nathan really gets into something and plays with it for a while then he will move on to something else and come back to it later. Several days this week he and I built things together with his Lincoln Logs. Sometimes it's fun to be a kid and do things like this again. Lincoln Logs has also been the first (of many things I'm sure) that he plays with and we have to keep away from Noah because he works hard building it and wants to play with it for a while but Noah just wants to smash it.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Backyard Disc Golf Course

It seems that every day Nathan wants to go outside and throw Frisbees. He is slowly but surly starting to call them “discs” instead of the name brand “Frisbee.” But for some reason he thinks that only some of them are discs and some of them are Frisbees so you get statements like, “I’m going to take the blue disc one.”

Anyway, we have made a semi-permanent course in our back yard. It is pretty tough for Nathan, but he normally makes it in about 16 shots a round. As you can see we have added numbers and tee boxes this week.



Check out his form. This is the “step throw” technique that we are working on this week.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Park with the Boys

This afternoon the boys went out to the park. As always these days we started with some disc throwing, but quickly moved towards just playing on the playground. I struggled to get a good picture of Noah, but he refused to stay still long enough. For a kid who can’t walk this guy really moves. When we were heading to the car Nathan wanted to push Noah, and for some reason decide to go off along the path. Nathan said that they were “going on vacation.” I have no clue where he got that from, but it was cute. Of course I think everything he does is cute.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Metal Mater

Really, there are no words to describe this.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Indian Summer 2010

There's not a whole lot of entertainment places in Eufaula so when the annual "festival" - as Nathan calls it - comes around we always go spend a few dollars on great, greasy and sugary food and play some games. Noah was at home napping with Daddy so we had a fun Mommy and Nathan day out.