Monday, March 29, 2010

A New Use for AFV

Since the tourney Nathan and I have spent a few nights laying in the bed and watching basketball before he goes to bed. Tonight there wasn’t any basketball that I wanted to watch on, but Nathan was still sort of wound up and wanted to lay with me so I flipped channels for a bit trying to find something that we could watch together. I came across America’s Funniest Home Videos thinking that it would be something that he would think was funny.

I was very wrong. Nathan took each video to be a learning exercise for what not to do. “We don’t put toys in the toilet, Daddy” he said, “We don’t walk in front of people when they are swinging” he said. There were several other things that he turned to me and said, “They’re not following the rules.”

So then when Nathan was in bed he told me that in the morning we are going to make a show that tells people what they aren’t supposed to do.

This should be fun.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Noah and His Ride

We are enjoying this beautiful spring weather, spending the afternoons outside. Last year we bought this little car at a consigment sale for the baby to be and Nathan rode in until Noah was born. Noah now loves it. He loves for you to push him back and forth, up and down the sidewalk in front of our house. Looking at these pictures I can't believe he is growing up so fast.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Calvary Kids Sing

Last night our church had a "Singing" to raise $ for missions and they asked the little ones to sing at the very beginning. They sang "Jesus Loves Me" and did the sign language. They were all very cute. Diann was leading them and during the middle of the song Nathan tried to tell her she was doing it wrong. "No, Mrs. Diann...that's not how you do it. You do this..." Sunday morning during the worship service they sang two more songs. Nathan definitely has some stage presence. He can't sing without moving his hips. Maybe Shane will post the video soon.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Parkview Egg Hunt

Nathan got to enjoy his first egg hunt Saturday. Parkview Children's Ministry had their egg hunt and invited all the children from the school. We asked Bailey from Nathan's class to come with us and both had a blast. The weather was absolutely beautiful and it felt great to be outside enjoying the sunshine. Nathan had fun hunting the eggs but just as when he was a baby, he would be satisfied with one. Everytime he found one he wanted to stop and open it and check out his treat. I guess when we were little they were boiled eggs so there was nothing to stop and see. After the egg hunt there were hot dogs and cupcakes and more treats! He reached quite a sugar high! Springtime is so much fun.

Da, da, da, da

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pickle Anyone?

Tuesday night at Subway Noah was not happy that we were eating and he wasn't so we let him suck on some of the pickles from Nathan's sandwich. He loved them so I bought him a whole jar.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Columbus Cottonmouths

Nathan and I went to a watch a hockey game tonight. I was a little worried that it would be too loud for him, but he had a very good time. It helped that it was a high scoring game (4-3 at the end of the 2nd period) and that we got to sit up high enough that there weren’t lots of yelling people around us. There were several giveaways, a guy beside us got a shirt and gave it to Nathan. It was a little large so Nathan gave it to Meredith.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Sweet Monday Smiles

Small town life has lots of gripes, but it also has great benefits. I think I've posted before about our drive thru routine at the bank where Nathan gets his sucker every week. Today, Nathan slept in and didn't make it to school. Which made my going to the bank after work much easier to do since I was by myself. I actually had to go in today to check on something and make my deposit. When I did the girl from the drive thru was covering for someone at lunch. When I handed her my deposit she walked over to her window, ran the deposit and handed my receipt right back to me with a blue sucker right on top. Now that is service. Not only does she know that I normally come thru with a child, but a little boy whose favorite color sucker is blue!
And I just couldn't resist sharing this sweet toothy grin.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sunny Day


It was sunny here today so me and the boys spent some time outside. As always I thought I would take a few pictures.



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Monday, March 8, 2010

We Lost One

Yes, we lost one...a pair of underwear. Nathan flushed his underwear down the toilet today. He was trying to help, so what do you say?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

8 Month Old Noah

This is our sweet little Noah. We are blessed with such a happy baby. He is a curious, busy little boy. He will grab anything within reach in seconds and put in his mouth. He has two teeth now and is a drool monster. He loves to eat and is filling out fast. He is 19 lbs. 6 oz. The minute you put him in his high chair he demands food and looks at you sad like when it's all gone. He will still let me rock him and put him to bed most times. In the afternoons when Shane is home, he loves to curl up for a good long nap with his daddy. He can roll or wiggle across his blanket and it won't be long before he's crawling. Wish you all could see him more often to hug and squeeze him tight.