Saturday, February 27, 2010

Auburn Baseball


I made a decision last year that I wanted to spend a few afternoons watching Auburn Baseball with Nathan. Today was the first one that we could go and watch. The day was sunny enough, but the temperature was a little cold. Since I never really went to Auburn Baseball games I just assumed no one else did either. I was shocked to find the stadium nearly full. Of course part of that was because there was a ceremony honoring Bo Jackson, Frank Thomas and two other guys as the first inductees into the Auburn wall of fame. They put big pictures of them up on the outfield wall and revealed them today.

That was neat to see, but Nathan was bored with it. I was sort of frustrated too just because with Nathan at a sporting event you get about an hour and a half of attention before he is ready to go. A big chunk of that time today was spent with speeches. It was neat to be there, but for a first ever baseball game with father and son I wanted a little more baseball, oh well.

When the baseball finally got started Nathan was excited. We were sitting right on the field, but way down the first base line. The big safety net in front of us made me feel safe, but being that close it was distracting. Nathan liked watching the screen with the pictures of the players and their numbers as much as he liked watching the baseball. He also couldn’t understand why they didn’t get a home run every at bat. Of course we had to have a hotdog and some popcorn too.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Weekend with the Yates

Saturday morning Nathan woke up to a wonderful surprise! His cousins were here! We were so blessed to have Sumer and Corey and the boys come visit for the weekend. Saturday these boys played and played and played some more. The weather was beautiful so we were able to be outside and play on the playground.
Caleb is a child after my own heart. Sunday night after he ate his pizza, he came over to me and asked, "Aunt Yoshi, what's for dessert?" Caleb, I agree. We have to have dessert!

The big boys loved being around baby Noah as much Noah loved having them here for entertainment. Although it was a little loud for sleeping. Lots of laughing, running and squealing going on in this house.
Saturday night we fed the boys and then the adults got to go out dinner - just us! Andrea and Ashley braved the fabulous five and came to babysit for us.
Silly hat Silas at breakfast time!

Jamming out Sunday night after Sumer shared her heart with us at Calvary. Although it's hard for me to think of the Yates being as far away as Africa this summer, I know the Lord has great things in store for their family and I admire Sumer and Corey for stepping out in faith.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Noah's Baby Dedication

Today was Noah's baby dedication service. We were blessed to have Sumer and Corey and the boys with us as well as my parents, Amanda, Jonathan and Jennifer (his now fiance!)

Bro. Craig prayed a sweet prayer of blessing, challenges and encouragement over us as a family.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day

Nathan and Noah got valentines in the mail from Fe Fe and One. Noah went right to chewing on his.
Valentine's Day the boys got a few surprises...Noah got a new toy and some cereal bowls (Yes, I slipped that one in...)
(Nathan got some valentine suckers and a Sonic plush toy.) Poor guy, still allergic to chocolate.
Which is exactly the way to my heart. I picked out Shane some new shorts to play frisbee in but I didn't ask him to pose. Maybe next year.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Days

Noah's First Tooth

At 7 1/2 months Noah is finally cutting his first tooth. There is no picture because you have to hold his mouth open and hold his lip down to see that cute little thing. But if you put your finger in you can surely feel that sharp little point poking through. Lots of Orajel, teething rings and Tylenol to come!

And More Snow Pics

We think this is like a once in twenty years kind of happening. (The last time we think was 1993 and we didn't move to Eufaula until 2000.) But this year we were lucky enough to get two days of playing in the snow here in South Alabama.This is as close as Noah got to the snow. He slept through all of our sledding outing this morning.At the church we found a great little Nathan size hill to sled on...of course Nathan was more interested in throwing snowballs and tasting the snow than sledding. He did enjoy it the few times we did get him to ride down. Maybe Shane will post the video soon.When we got home Ian, our neighbor came out to play and I mixed up some super sweet Kool-Aid for Snow Cone juice. Nathan said "Daddy, blue is my favorite...and red and purple too!"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nathan Writes

One day last week Nathan and I were drawing and stamping and I hear him spelling out his name N-A-T-H-A-N. I look up and he has written his name all by himself! I had no idea he could do this. He is learning so much - we love preschool and Mrs. Donna!

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Sweet Baby Noah

It's just one of those days where I feel like my baby is growing up all too fast. In the last week Noah has started sitting up all by himself. Thus we moved him to the bigger bathtub. His smiles and laughter seem to be getting bigger each week too. He knows when we put him in the high chair it's time to eat and demands food immediately. If he sees a bottle he will jump out of your arms to reach it. He fights sleep now and knows when you walk in his room with the light out it's time to go to sleep and cries. When I rock him he fights it and squirms for a minute but then soon gives in and rocking him is just as sweet as ever. When he wakes up happy he coos and plays. When he wakes up sleepy he is still a sweet snuggle bunny. When his daddy or Nathan walks in the room and he sees them or even hears one of their voices his face lights up with a grin from ear to ear. Oh, how I love my boys and how thankful I am for them.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Nathan Won

Nathan has been playing video games for much of his life. During that time I have used our play as a way to teach him important lessons.

  1. Don’t whine about games, they are just games
  2. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but just playing can be fun
  3. If you try hard enough and keep trying you can get better and succeed.

Normally that means that I will play him in a game and let him win a few and then win a few myself and then let him win a couple more. But tonight things were different.

We were playing the 3 Point Shooting game on Wii Sports Resort (which Nathan calls dark basketball because it is played at night). I was trying to get a new high score so I was fully engaged in the game and trying to win. We played three times in a row. Nathan beat me every time.

The thing is, Nathan beats me pretty much every day because I let him win so the thrill for him to win was there, but he didn’t realize what had just happened. For the first of what I am sure will be many more times Nathan beat me at a video game.

I am don’t think I am going to play with him anymore.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pell City Visit

What a better way to spend a cold rainy weekend than indoors with your family? Nathan had been asking to go on a trip and go to Fe Fe's so I loaded up the boys and we went for the weekend. We had so much fun playing, popping popcorn, visiting with my Grandmother, playing with our new friend River, and most of all hanging out with Nathan's uncle and grandaddy. Jonathan and my dad were at a men's conference Friday night and Saturday morning and I can't tell you how many times Nathan asked when would he get to see "his uncle and his grandaddy." We are so blessed with a wonderful loving family and blessed to be able to spend time with them.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

7 Months Old

Noah is 7 months old today! This picture is from my mom's house this weekend. We had a wonderful time visiting with family. Noah is such a drooler and bubble blower right now. He drooled himself a perfect little Colonel Sanders goatee. At 7 months he can sit up for a little while by himself and roll over both ways. He is such a grinner and full of laughter. You can't help but smile when he smiles at you.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Flint Riverquarium

I just love the fact that they call this place a riverquarium. Anyway, hope you like this little video look into our trip. It looks much better if after you hit play you choose the "360" option and change it to "720". It takes a moment or two longer to get started, but the video quality is better.