Monday, April 27, 2009

Two Wonderful Weekends Away-Weekend One

The last two weekends were busy with travel but lots of fun with family and friends. My first trip was to Pell City. While I spent the night with some college friends catching up on old times and scrapbooking Nathan spent the night with my family.
Brooke, Me, Frances, Wendy and Shannon
Playing baseball! He is actually starting to make some hits!

FeFe did too!
Gotta love those beautiful blue eyes!

Hanging with Jonathan and Jennifer - two of his favorite people! Friday afternoon Amanda stayed with Nathan while I took off to see my friends. I was so nervous about Nathan crying when I left but there was a Cars Mack truck waiting for him to play with and when I told him I was leaving and he was going to stay and play he said "Okay Mommy, you go get in your van." He had a blast visiting with my family all weekend, even my grandmother. I'm so glad it worked out that I was scrapbooking in Pell City!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nathan's First Computer

(This is Shane)
I performed a wedding on Saturday so I had a little money. It wasn't enough to get a gadget for me, but I really had that "I want to buy a gadget" fever. So Nathan and I were playing at Wal-Mart and I saw the LeapPad "click start" computer was on sale for $30.

I was worried about the precedence it would set if I bought him something big not on his birthday, but then I realized that the computer wouldn't be any bigger of a deal than a new car to him so why not.

After a few minor issues with the batteries (I had one turned the wrong was so it didn't work at first) we were up and running. Hearing Nathan cackle as he uses the mouse to pop bubble or wash Mater has made the past couple of days fun.

I am amazed at his mouse skills already. He isn't perfect, but he can click on the game he wants, and when he remembers to take his finger off the button he can do most of the activities. It took me longer than that to learn to use a mouse and I was 18 the first time I held one. Anyway, Nathan has a new computer. I really am trying to make him into a little me.

Huntsville Space and Rocket Center

Just wanted to post a few pics from our stop at the Space & Rocket Center.

***Shane's Thoughts***
There was this whole huge museum and everything and the place that he enjoyed the most was the traveling trailer that they had set up outside. Two cute things:
1) There were plastic panels in the floor so you could see what they stored underneath. Nathan wouldn't walk across them. Even when I was standing on it, he refused to walk across.
2) the picture of him sitting down with something in his hand is actually funny. He was saying that he was driving the spaceship. The only problem is that that wasn't the cockpit, it was the bathroom. I just let him fly the ship from the toilet.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Catching Up-Canaan's Birthday

Since we now have our camera back I am posting pictures from our trip to the Yates' for Canaan's first birthday!

The boys had a blast jumping on the air mattress we slept on.
Aunt Aimee posing for Nathan to take a picture.

This is a great picture of Nathan. He is watching his own reflection in the window while playing the drums.

The birthday boy wasn't too sure about all the singing and the candle lit up on his cupcake.
We were excited to see Nana and Nanny both there too!

Canaan was much more excited about riding the tractor!

We all had so much fun hanging out together. It always seems our time together ends as soon as it begins. Nathan absolutely adores his cousins. I hope as they grow up we do get to see more of each other.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I Passed

Praise the Lord I passed the 3 hour glucola test. I felt like it went good Tuesday morning but how do you know for sure? Wednesday afternoon I got a call back from the nurse and she said I'm in the normal range. Thanks for praying with me.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Amazing Recoveries

God is so good! It is amazing how fast our little one is recovering. In the last post you can see in the bottom two pictures how he would hold that right arm up and not use it because it hurt to put pressure on that side. But this week he is pretty much going full speed. He slept thru the night the last two nights and this morning woke up ready to PLAY at 6:00 a.m. Every so often he will complain that he is hurting a little so we are still giving him Tylenol. Other than that he's fine. In one week's time!

Also, two Christmases ago I got a workout DVD from Sumer and after I used it once it disappeared. I searched the den over for that thing and never found it. The only thing I could figure is that Nathan walked off it with and put it somewhere in the house I'd never find it. Last week Shane moved the DVD/VCR player to a different TV and when we went to use the VCR out pops my DVD. We've still been playing VCR tapes on that thing for a year and a half with that DVD stuck in there! Too bad I'm too pregnant right now to use my workout DVD. I'll just have to save it for losing that after baby weight.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday we actually got to attend two Easter Egg Hunts since we are blessed with two church families. The Calvary one was in the afternoon. The kids got to hunt eggs and play with all the other animals at the Weather's house/farm. There were horses, a pig and baby bunnies and goats. Nathan shyly petted the bunnies and goats but stuck his hand right on in that pen to feed that big old pig.

Nathan's Cars

A seemingly daily event in the Yancey house is the "Naming of the Cars" where Nathan tells the names of all of his Pixar Cars cars. So here it is for you guys. To get the full effect you need to play it at least once a day.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Family Easter Fun

Friday we had a visit from FeFe, One and Amanda. They spent the night with us Friday night and Saturday morning went with us to the Easter Egg Hunt at Parkview and then helped us dye Easter Eggs at home.

Bro. John and Kay shared the story of Easter through the Resurrection Eggs. After the second egg was opened my not so shy Nathan starts hollering "I want an egg! I want an egg!" And Mrs. Kay was sweet enough to let him open one.

Nathan is not a run for the eggs hunter. He is more of a pick and choose hunter. After he realized there was candy in each egg he wanted to open each one and see what was inside before moving on to look for more.

He also had a blast dyeing eggs with everyone. This was Shane's idea again and Nathan loved it. He loved stirring the tablets in the water and watching in turn different colors. He loved "plunking" the eggs down in the cups and seeing them come out different colors. He and I both had blue and green hands by the time it was done but it was worth it. Even today he was fascinated with his dyed eggs, counting them and looking at their decorations and showing them to me and Shane over and over again.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Praise the Lord and Praise the Lord!

Nathan is feeling much better today. Nights are still pretty rough with lots of crying off and on but today when I heard him awake and went in there he had sat up all by himself and said Mommy "I'm better!" It's amazing to watch him compensate for not using that arm and that side of his body. Instead of bending over to pick things up he squats and he walks around with his right hand kind of pulled in to him, knowing not to use that hand or arm. A smart little two, almost three year old.

Also, our camera is found! We finally got thru to the lost and found at the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center today and someone turned in our camera last Sunday. He said they would probably mail it out on Monday. How awesome is that! Not only did someone find it in the parking lot and turn it in, it's not broken (the worker turned it on and looked at the pictures) and they will mail it to us!

God is good all the time!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We're Surviving

Last night Nathan fell and broke his collarbone. Of course it was on a Wednesday night right before church so Shane had to stay and lead Bible Study for the Youth. But God is good and one of my sweet friends, Penny, went with us to the emergency room. She did a great job at keeping me calm and Nathan. I think I cried as much as he did. We survived the night and saw an orthopedic doctor today and he said Nathan is going to be just fine. As long as he is still the pain's not so evident. It's when we have to sit him up or down or pick him up that he cries out from the pain. He is doing much better today. Moving around a little more, learning not to use that right arm. Hopefully it will be as the doctor said, little ones heal quickly!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Failed!

I failed the one hour glucose test at the doctor's office today. My sugar was 3 points too high. So I get to go again in the next few days and take the three hour glucose test. Please say a prayer that I pass next time.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend Wrap Up

We had a wonderful weekend away with family this weekend. We went to Nashville for our nephew Canaan's first birthday. He is a true delight and such a precious reminder of the baby days we have ahead of us again. We all had a blast being with family again, the boys had so much fun hanging out. Nathan had a big time sleeping with his cousins in their big boy bedroom. Shane and I enjoyed hanging out with Sumer and Corey. Staying up late to play Settlers of Catan and eat fresh baked sweets and snacks is definitely worth the lack of sleep. We also got to see Nana, Nanny and more of Shane's family at the birthday party. We took lots of great pictures, even pictures of our stop on the way home at the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center. But somewhere in between there and home the camera got lost. So we have no pictures to post. At least we have the memories of a wonderful weekend. God is good and we are so very blessed.