Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy 34th Birthday Daddy! We love you!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Water World

Tuesday evening we went with a group of families from our church to Water World in Dothan. Nathan saw me getting his swimsuit out right before his nap and immediately said "Go swimming. Go swimming!" He was crushed that he had to take a nap before we went swimming. And he napped all of an hour because he was so excited about going swimming at the BIG pool with the BIG kids. We found a really good deal where they let you in after 5:00 for half price at the water park and they stay open until 9:00. Which worked out great for us because we didn't have to fight the crowd and the sun was already on its way down so we didn't have to worry about sunscreen and it being super hot. Nathan loved the kiddie pool area. There was a huge elephant slide and a small turtle slide in the kiddie pool. Nathan tried them both once. He was much happier running free in and out and around the pool. We went in the wave pool for about two minutes. He liked it at first then decided he like to sit at the front and watch the waves instead of being in them.

This is Brice. He was staying (long story for later) at the babysitter with Nathan and is his nursery pal too. He turns two in August.

This was taken by me two seconds before Nathan fell backwards and hit his head on the concrete. Only our second big boo boo in two years which is not too bad but it scared me half to death. He had quite a goose egg come up on the back of his head. He screamed for a good five minutes (maybe less) and I had tears in my eyes too. But we were both okay soon. He slept in this morning and is fine today. All in all we had fun at the waterpark and look forward to going back soon and taking Shane with us.

Monday, July 28, 2008

I Take the Paper Off

Today I let Nathan color for a few minutes while I was cooking supper. I'm on the other side of the room and all of a sudden I hear "I take the paper off Mommy. I take the paper off!" He was expertly taking the crayon wrappers off with his teeth.

My First Blog

Here it is, my first attempt at a blog. Everyday seems to be a new adventure with Nathan. There are some many things I want to record and share. If I don't put it in writing I'm afraid it will be gone. I hope you enjoy the moments we share and find the pictures just as precious. If not just pretend and I'll keep posting.